Functional sports accessories for female athletes
I created SCRUNCHIKO purely as a creative alternative to my full time career in dentistry. As it started to gain attention from the sporting industry around the heavily focused content of highlighting women’s sport, both in grass roots codes and the international stage, I steered the mission of SCRUNCHIKO to inspire other to break boundaries in sport.
Mission statement- At Scrunchiko, our mission is to empower current and future female creators, leaders and athletes. We believe in using our brand as a platform for change, inspiring women to gain confidence, and reaching their full potential both on and off the field. When you look at so many sportswear led brands they focus on promoting their products in conjunction with perfectly photo shopped models, and whilst I understand this sells, this does’t empower young women to be their complete themselves.
In early 2018, scrunchies were becoming the fashion accessory for the masses. It became apparent that when women were both on and off the sporting field, there wasn’t a functional scrunchie that kept hair off the face, and was made from high quality fabrics. Women were looking for scrunchies that could be worn many times, without breaking, or losing elasticity from high impact activity.
SCRUNCHIKO inspires young women to become part of something more, a local community of trailblazing female sportspeople demonstrating more than just being active and looking damn good, but inclusive of developing change and recognising all levels of participation, from grass roots to the best of the best on the international stage.
SCRUNCHIKO is here to create real tangible change amongst the women’s sporting community, by giving that head to toe feeling of inclusiveness when tribes of women run out together to participate in their passion, from grass roots fields, to the international stage.
Scrunchiko has amassed a cult following in many sports, and it is time for the brand to expand and grow. With over 9000 handmade scrunchies produced in 2019, and the incredible opportunity to be available in retail stores, I ask you, the person reading this to help me live my dream of reaching a much larger audience, and see Scrunchiko as a major competitor in the world of athleisure. What I have created in the past 2 years has been an incredible business and personal growth project. I ask for your pledges, to continue to also expand my knowledge.
Pledges will be carefully used to source, design and manufacture all products available in the current handmade range, and the opportunity to explore more functional sports accessories so it allows women to compete at a much greater standard/quality