Our film is about a blind office boy who struggles to find new job in midst of an alarming pandemic.
Campaign Story
After being retrenched post circuit breaker, a blind office boy has to find another job or else he will be sidelined by society, just like his blind father.
Story Synopsis:
Our film is about a blind office boy who struggles to find a new job in the midst of an alarming pandemic, and together with his newly reunited blind father, goes on a difficult and awkward journey toward reconciliation. They face discrimination and patronization along the way but a sweet and heartwarming reunion of father and son is discovered between this duo who were once nothing more than strangers.
Director’s Statement / Message:
The film, 看 See, is written to bring awareness to a minority community in our society, the visually impaired (VI) community. In our daily lives, most people tend to overlook and forget that there are VI people who exist. In Singapore, many VI people take on odd jobs because they find it difficult to integrate into society and sometimes their disability is seen by others as an obstacle that makes them unable. There are those who treat them differently – less worthy than the majority of sighted people. Jobs are hard to come about, education is limited, discrimination and patronization are often witnessed. In our day and age, I want people to see the visually handicapped as a different way of living, and not a worse way of living. Visually handicapped or not, they are capable of finding their own special route through life and can get to the same destination as anyone else.
The film also touches on the topic of a father-son relationship. Many people out there have lived a major portion of their life with uncertainty and distance from their loved ones. Be it a trivial matter, we all should try to fight the awkwardness and tension between family, cherish the people you love, and love you back as much as possible, for there are those out there who wish every day that they had a chance to.
Lastly, we are looking to ask visually handicapped individuals to act for us.
Along with these aims, I want to bring forth the message that there are no limits to what you can accomplish except the limits you place on your own thinking.
*All money raised will be used purely for the cost of production of the film i.e. costs for locations, transport, equipment, casting etc. In the event that there are any remaining funds after the completion of our project, we will be donating them to Organizations for the Visually Impaired in Singapore.
Meet our crew!
Director – Ezekiel Chee Chong Ee
Producer – Tan Jie-Ning Melody
Assistant Director – See Zhuyue, Andrea
1st Camera Operator – Nurul Zulhaira Binte Jamaludin
2nd Camera Operator – Ng Chu Yi
Soundman – Jerrine Ng
Production Designer – Chok Naomi
Set Decorator – Tristan Teo Zhi Kai
Editor – Huong Yee Ann
“Forgotten” by Whitesand
Used under Creative Commons License
Sound Effects
“Dripping, Slow, A.wav” by InspectorJ