(Japanese follows:日本語による説明は英文の後にあります)
Though this project, I’d like to share my massage skills to make your partner happier. I hope my book contribute to help to eliminate sexless problem all over the world.
Summary for this E-book
This is an oil massage technique book to achieve the most pleasing sex. You can make your partner on the verge of orgasm at the stage of sexual foreplay.
By leaning and practicing the massage in this book, You can:
- Get confidence in sexual foreplay,
- Grasp the points your partner feels good,
- Get out of sexual rut,
- Improve sex satisfaction,
- Prevent sexless.
But this book is not written about sex tricks. This book focuses how to relax your partner, increase sensitivity through massage. And It is designed so that anyone can easily massage properly.
- 前戯に自信がつき、
- 相手の感じるポイントがわかるようになり、
- セックスのマンネリを解消し、
- セックスの満足度を高め、
- セックスレスの予防にもなります。
❶ easy to understand with pictures taken from above.

In other massage books, the techniques are generally described with pictures taken diagonally. So it’s not easy to understand how to massage.
On the other hands, it’s so easy to understand how to massage in this book because the techniques are described with pictures taken from above.
❷ basic and simple techniques are selected
Other books explain hundreds of techniques. They are really useful but you may be fed up with reading because it is like a dictionary. In addition, you do not know which technique is important.
On the other hand, this book focuses on basic and simple techniques so that beginners can easily understand and massage properly.
❸ Mind and settings not to fail are also described.

Based on my experience, knowledge and skills gained from training in Thailand, I explain detailedly the mind and settings needed to prevent failure.
❹ Including video links to understand techniques better.

❺ You can read secretly.
You may feel embarrassed to read it in public. Never mind! This book is E-book. Therefore, you can read it without being noticed by anyone. You don’t need to hide it under the bed like pornographic magazines
The reason why I start this project
I was struggling with sexual life with my partner, but I was saved after encountering an oil massage. I noticed that massage could improve the sexual life of every couple, so I would like to share my skills and knowledge, and save those who have the same sexual problems.
Let me tell you my story of struggling with a sexual life with my partner.
In the old days, I had sex problems with her. I didn’t know what my partner felt good and I wasn’t confident in my sex. My sex was rude, and her sex satisfaction was low so we gradually became sexless. Furthermore our everyday life got jerky because our sexual life didn’t go well. Then I decided to change myself, but I didn’t know what to do. Under such a situation, I encountered with oil massage in Philippine.
It was a turning point that changed my life significantly.
During the massage, the staff insistently massaged my sensitive area, then my mind went blank. Naturally my mood was uplifting and uncontrollable. At this time I thought that this oil massage technique may be effective for my partner. Then I decided to go to learn massage in Thailand and I got high level skills to train in school.
Now I know well where points my partner feels. Furthermore I can push her sensitivity to the limit during the foreplay and her satisfaction with sex is being improved. Unlike in the past, I’m strongly confident with sex, I get to eliminate sexlessness with her, and we live a loving life now.
私のセックスはマンネリなもので、彼女のセックス 満足度は低く、次第にセックスレスになってしまいました。
今では彼女の反応が手に取るようにわかり、どこが感じるのかが把握できるようになりました。今では前戯の段階で彼女の感度を限界まで高めることができ、セックス の満足度も向上することができています。
昔と違い、今では自分の前戯・セックス に自信を持て、彼女とのセックスレスは解消でき、ラブラブな生活を送ることができています。
Recommend for people like this…
I’d like to strongly recommend for those who
- are not confident in foreplay / sex,
- don’t know the point your partner feels good,
- want to make your partner feel better,
- sex in rut,
- think your partner is not satisfied with sex,
- are stuck in sexless.
In order to save those who have such same troubles like me in the old days, I’d like to share my massage technique based on my experience.
- 前戯/セックスに自信がない
- 相手の感じるポイントが分からない
- もっと感じさせたい
- セックスがマンネリ化している
- 相手のセックス満足度が低い
- セックスレスに陥っている
The world imagined after my challenge.
It has been pointed out in Japan where I live that the problem of sexless is particularly acute and it’s caused by a lack of daily physical contact. I believe that massage can deepen physical intimacy with partner and contribute to preventing sexlessness.
Rewards for my backers
【¥100〜】Thank you!
Thank you for your pledge without any rewards. I’m really glad your support for my challenge!

Thank you for your supporting! I’ll send the E-book by E-mail. You can choose :
- 1. format type (EPUB / pdf)
- 2. contents type (massage for men / massage for women)
- 3. language (English / Japanese).
【¥5000】E-book and add your profile

Thank you for your supporting! I’ll send the E-book by E-mail. You can choose :
- 1. format type (EPUB / pdf)
- 2. contents type (massage for men / massage for women)
- 3. language (English / Japanese).
And I’ll add your profile in the first edition of this book as a token of my gratitude. Please let me know your name, twitter ID and send me your picture (if possible). So everyone will know you were there from the beginning.
【¥20000】E-book and add your profile and logo

Thank you for your supporting! I’ll send the E-book by E-mail. You can choose :
- 1. format type (EPUB / pdf)
- 2. contents type (massage for men / massage for women)
- 3. language (English / Japanese).
And I’ll add your profile in the first edition of this book as a token of my gratitude. Please let me know your name, twitter ID and send me your picture (if possible). So everyone will know you were there from the beginning.
Furthermore, I’ll add your logo. Please let me know your url (if possible) and send me your logo (Jpeg/png).
Finally, I would like to say,
Thank you for reading to the end.
I am strongly confident in the content of this book and I believe you will be hooked on my massage techniques.
Please be a one of backers in my project on this chance!!