Be part of our dream album! Contribute to our hearts and future as Musicians/Artists.
Our long term dream is to continue living truth through music, while covering our basic needs and life, financially for as long as we can. We truly would be nowhere if it wasn’t for the healing music has brought us and our fans. It’s a need for many, including us.
How is this campaign helping us?
We have gone through so many changes in the last 15 years. One is that music is consumed freely regardless of how many hours are involved in the writing, arranging, recording, mixing, packaging, and promoting. At times, we thought that we couldn’t continue with the constant “push – throughs”. We have always worked so hard to fight through those changes, while touring non-stop and trying to keep motivated creatively, while financially fronting massive amounts of money that we earn while touring. Then the Pandemic hit. All of this has taken a toll both physically and mentally on us and our families.
But through it all we have had one constant beacon of light. The love from our fans. Period.
We are asking you to continue to help. We have embraced the everything that is now, regardless of how scary and unsure they are, but we need your help financing this record.
Let’ s talk about the next album “Spells Cast Here”.
As you can see by the video above, we are still pushing ahead, taking the full control and keeping everything in house. You are part of this. You are part of our house.
Please come along with us while we grow, create, and navigate this next chapter.
Below is a budget breakdown. If you need more information prior to helping, please let us know.
What are Perks?
So many fun things – from first perk to last!
The Perks include a physical (CD) or digital version of the album. There are also personal gifts and prints, individual voice, trumpet, mixed media, and drum lessons. You could have Davina write you a song, or even have a variation of the band play a concert for you and your friends in your own home. In this time where music is mostly consumed freely, ‘pre-ordering’ a Perk is a way to get money to the artists directly. Make sure to browse and see what is in store or you can simply make a straight donation by selecting ‘Our Patron of the Arts’. All donations will be received by us and go straight into the recording project and release.
For some of you, contributing won’t be possible but please share this with anyone you think is interested in supporting new music. You can share it on your socials or send it directly via email or message. I can’t stress how useful this is and thank you in advance. There are amazing Indiegogo share tools here to do just that!
And that’s all there is to it.
Thank you for taking the time to read and look!