Low-Cost Rocket Engines to help return the UK to Space and be a leader in the #newspace revolution!

The UK used to be a global superpower in the industry of launching to Low Earth Orbit; with our rocket, the “Red Arrow”. Unfortunately, it’s been 50 years since we last sent anything to orbit ourselves, we’re going to change that.
Smallspark Space Systems is developing the next generation of low-cost, non-toxic rocket engines specifically designed for the soon-to-arrive UK launch market. This market is expected to be worth over £4B between 2020-2040, and almost £30B globally!
Our Philosophy
The Smallspark philosophy is simple, we hate complexity; if there is one market that is unnecessarily complex its the launch market. We’re developing incredibly simple, safe rockets using proven technologies with a few novel twists! We work with the saying:
Space is hard, that doesn’t mean it can’t be simple
Our Engines
Smallspark is going to be building some of the coolest and lowest cost engines on the planet; using non-toxic fuels that will require minimal infrastructure. We’ve designed our engines from the ground up to be perfect for the unique political, social and logistical factors that the UK is faced with.
Our First Engine…Sibyl
Some would call me foolish to let one of my co-founder’s name our first engine; after finding out what he decided to call it, I am inclined to agree! So here we are, Sibyl, our first test engine designed to check our numerical models are accurate before scaling things up! Sibyl is currently in development and will hopefully be ready by the end of January for test firing! Here are a few pictures:

After Sibyl
After Sibyl, Smallspark will be developing some of the largest rocket engines ever fired in the UK, a 5kN test engine, before moving onto our 3rd stage 10kN rocket engine. This is all with the £350,000 we’re working to raise! Now that’s a bang for your buck.
Smallspark is developing these early test engines to allow us to produce our two launch vehicles for the UK market. Frost Micro & Frost 1.
Thermal Protection
If you’re going to build rockets, you need to be able to protect your gear. Rockets get hot! Along with developing rocket engines, Smallspark is working to create low-cost thermal protection material, we call it Frosting… Version 1 can withstand a butane torch for almost 200 seconds at a thickness of only 3mm! Check out how it performs below:
Optimisation Software
In collaboration with The University of Southampton, Smallspark Space Systems is developing the next generation of geometry optimisation tools to dramatically improve the performance of aerospace systems. We’re developing software that may even allow us to completely eradicate turbopumps in our rockets!
Frost Micro
Frost Micro is Smallsparks proposed suborbital launch vehicle; taking 50kg to space for ~£100,000 it will be one of the lowest costing in the world! We’re already currently engaged with customers who wish to launch on Frost Micro, with letters of intent that will generate over £1M in revenue per year!

Frost 1
Frost 1 is where things get really exciting! Frost 1 is our orbital launch vehicle, designed to eventually take up to 400kg to Low Earth Orbit for under £3.5M per lauch. This dramatic cost saving is made possible only a number of highly innovative approaches that Smallspark is taking. This includes advanced optimisation software being developed in collaboration with The University of Southampton along with us working with some very low cost, high performing fuels!