Building a PRO soccer club in Costa Rica from the ground up. Help us fund our professional stadium.
Our dream was always to start a professional soccer club for the underdogs. SoccerViza was originally created as a professional scouting platform that has helped 5000+ undiscovered aspiring talented players with their careers since 2012.
The infrastructure of the professional soccer industry sees millions of talented players from around the world slip through the cracks of the professional game with no gateway to showcase their talents. SoccerViza has been and will continue to be that gateway for players.
Now we are trying to do what many people say is “the impossible”, we are building a professional soccer club in Talamanca, Limon, Costa Rica.
When COVID struck in March of 2020 we decided to move to Costa Rica and start our professional club from the ground. Our goal and mission have always been to not only develop an amazing competitive professional team but also to allow the community and region to have a club that competes at the highest level.
What We Need & What You Get
When we arrived in Costa Rica a year go we fixed a community field that was in very bad condition. The goal was to give the community a beautiful field for everyone to use and we would have access to the field for our PRO team.
The good news, we fixed it and made it beautiful.
The bad news, once we fixed the field, a local team in the same league saw the finished product, got themselves on the board for the field committee, and gained full control of the field. The opposing team was not happy that we were going to be in the same league and knew with no field, we could not participate in the season.
Our club has been training on a small 30×20 meter field. The local fields in the area do not meet the Costa Rican Football Federation requirements for participation in league play. Meaning we will have to travel over an hour to play home games.
The federation requires professional teams to have the following stadium requirements to participate in league play:
- a field that is 120 yards long x 75 yards wide
- spectator seating area
- a minimum 8-foot cement wall around the facility for security purposes.
- working locker rooms, showers, and restrooms
- parking area
To build a professional stadium based on the league requirements and qualifications we would need to raise a total of $500,000. These funds would help with building the stadium literally from the ground up and literally from nothing!
What Are We Giving Back To Our Donors and Backers?
$50 | Donation Shoutout on Social Media
Donors/Backers will receive an official “Thank You” graphic and shoutout on all our social media platforms.
Our social media platforms (IG, Youtube, Facebook, and TikTok) have a combined following of 40,000 + followers
$100 | Legends Walk Engraved Brick + Season Tickets
Donors/Backers will receive an engraved brick in the player’s tunnel which enters the field. Every brick will be engraved with the people/organizations that helped.
$250 | Signed Shirt + Season Tickets
Donors/Backers will receive a SoccerViza Futbol Club home uniform signed by all the players and staff.
$500 | Signed Ball + Season Tickets
Donors/Backers will receive a signed official match ball that will be signed by all the players and staff.
$1000+ | Season Tickets & Premium Box Seating in SV Suite for 2 years
- Donors/Backers will receive a SoccerViza Futbol Club home uniform signed by all the players and staff
- Donors/Backers will receive a signed official match ball that will be signed by all the players and staff.
- Donors/Backers will receive lifetime seasons tickets
- Donors/Backers will receive their private box suite for all games for one full calendar year.
$2500+ VIP Access
- Donors/Backers will receive a SoccerViza Futbol Club home uniform signed by all the players and staff
- Donors/Backers will receive an engraved brick in the player’s tunnel which enters the field. Every brick will be engraved with the people/organizations that helped
- Donors/Backers will receive a signed official match ball that will be signed by all the players and staff.
- Donors/Backers will receive lifetime seasons tickets
- Donors/Backers will receive their private box suite for all games for one full calendar year.
- VIP Access to attend all team’s training session on field with coaching staff
- VIP Access to travel on team bus and hotels to games.
- VIP Access to pre game talk, half time and end of the game talks in locker room with the team.
The Impact
The Talamanca region of Costa Rica is FULL of talent, but most of the talent is either never found or developed, due to:
- poverty
- the region’s infrastructure
- limited resources (coaches, fields, equipment, etc)
While here in Costa Rica we were fortunate to meet a local soccer community legend, Señor Wilbur Rodriquez. Wilbur had recently been diagnosed with cancer and was looking for help continuing to provide the soccer community in the Talamanca region with a program that cared. That is where SoccerViza Futbol Club de Talamanca was born! We not only want to continue Wilbur’s tradition and dedication but to also take this professional team to the highest level of Costa Rican futbol.
Risks & Challenges
With Costa Rica being a third-world country many resources are not available or easy to come by. Our experiences have not only proved to be challenging but difficult due to the countries’ infrastructure.
SoccerViza has always operated at the highest level of the game. Our successful frontline experiences of working in this industry have allowed us to develop players, coaches, and staff. Our knowledge and history will bring a formula that Costa Rican futbol has not experienced.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you know people or organizations that would be interested in sharing our journey and mission please do not hesitate to share this page with them.
Word of mouth is the best marketing tool. Help us bring something different to Costa Rican futbol!