Interest-based dating app with a robust matchmaking system to help you find someone special.
SOTY: Find Your Ideal Match
Interest-based dating app with a robust matchmaking system to help you find someone special.
It is Soty’s mission to provide the most accurate matchmaking system available.
Soty offers a robust list of matchmaking filters. Users select from this list of options and the matchmaking system, by making logical connections with people’s characteristics, likes and dislikes, estimates as to who might be a good match for this person. The value of the matchmaking system is that once the relevant options have been selected matchmaking can quickly and accurately make comparisons between users and is accurate in its predictive ability, at least from the level of information provided by the user, choose a suitable potential match for the person. The following options are some of the information captured by the matchmaking system (please note that this is not an exhaustive list):
– Interests / Hobbies
– Personality Traits
– Age
– Hight
– Location
Logo & App Icon

App Design

Marketing Strategy
Soty will use advertisements to increase awareness of Soty’s offered services. These ads will give off the impression that it is an effective system for finding love, helpful service to link up with like-minded people.
Sales Strategy
Soty’s sales strategy will be based on captivating a large number of first-time users of the App. This is the goal because customers that try Soty will be fascinated by the effectiveness, regardless of their first experience is a long-term relationship or not, they will see how the system determines the matches and that there is an underlying commonality between the selections. Additionally, if Soty is as effective as they believe it will be, customers will be quite vocal in telling their friends about Soty and that will be a strong source of referrals.
Development Requirements
Soty will utilize a knowledgeable app development company to complete the app.
1. App Design – Done
2. Website Design – Done
3. Website Development – Done | soty.app
4. Funding – In Progress
5. App Development
6. Launch
$50,000 – Minimum Funding for iOS App
– Soty will utilize a knowledgeable Freelance developer/team to complete the app.
$100,000 – Desired Funding for iOS App
– Soty will utilize a knowledgeable app development company to complete the app.
$150,000 – Desired Funding for iOS & Android App
The more we raise the better the app will be!