Limited Edition Exclusive Tarot Cards & Prints with Secret Code of Symbols from Mystery School
“The Aim of Art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but rather their inward significance” – Aristotle
Welcome to the Sphinx Code Tarot

The Short Story:
Tarot is a potent, mystical, and mysterious tool that has been with us for at least 1000 years. There are so many different Tarot decks available with beautiful art, but unfortunately, most are not designed with the original subconscious code that makes the Tarot MAGICAL! Our aim is to bring back beauty, secret symbology, and magic back to the practice of Tarot.
My name is Manex Ibar; I’m a mystic and shaman, a spiritual teacher, guide, and author. For the last 25 years, I’ve been initiated by nature and by masters. I’ve been struck by lightning twice, I have died in the Pacific Ocean through drowning, and I’ve had many out-of-body experiences. Highly skilled masters have trained me since I was young. After being a successful and award-winning executive at Sony Music, working with the U.N., and all that came from being entrenched in that world, my path took me towards guiding people in the direction of healing and higher optimal performance. I have been advising people towards liberation through healing modalities, energy work, and a more profound shift in consciousness for the last 15 years. Recently, I have been teaching the sacred symbolism of the original Tarot to artists so that we can reclaim the origins of this incredible spiritual technology. One of my tools that has been a secret weapon is this specific birthday Tarot configuration that came to me through a channeled event with three other psychics. This knowledge that I call the Sphinx Code is truly unbelievably accurate and practically magical, helping over 4000 individuals gain a better perspective of their lives and optimally advance towards their soul mission.
Back to the Tarot, for those who don’t know, each archetype is a precise depiction of human consciousness, frequency, and subconscious patterns; and the secret codes of the symbolism contained within each card are crucially important. The Tarot’s origins are still highly debated, and to an extent, it’s unknown whether it originated in Egypt, Western Europe, or Persia (or an exclusive population, like the Cathars). But what all the origin stories seem to share is the common understanding that Tarot was not created solely for divination. Instead, the cards contain a secret and sacred language to help liberate us from our suffering through awareness and a process that we ‘fools’ must go through to become initiated and free. The Tarot depicts the pilgrimage of the soul through images. Some say it is the Holy Grail, as it shows us how to overcome the earthly traps and helps us understand the path to union with source. The Fool, one of the characters of the twenty-two Major Arcana (secret mystery), represents the pilgrim. His journey is depicted through the other twenty-one archetypes.
These archetypes are numbered sequentially and can be interpreted as markers on a map that the Fool, without a number, will follow. This can be seen as a guide to human consciousness, with the Fool, who is symbolic of the vehicle that carries the infinite expressions of consciousness on its journey – also known as the Fool’s Journey. This draws similarities to Joseph Campbells’ Hero’s Journey and the Hero with Many Faces, which dives deeply into all myths and depicts that we are all here to journey on this path towards the evolution of our conscious awareness. So the Tarot’s secret messages are valuable to our society and essential to each of us as individuals and our spiritual understanding.
Yet, it is crucial to have the correct symbology.
Welcome to the Sphinx Code:
Today, we are creating a uniquely modern and beautiful Tarot deck with all of the secret codes so that each image resonates with your subconscious and allows for the original frequency of the “Arcanum” to transpire and influence your being. We are modernizing each archetype and bringing in some fresh perspective yet retaining the mysterious foundations.
Throughout my 25 years of initiation into many different spiritual paths, different cultures, and occult or mystery schools, I was blessed with master teachers that all helped me understand their deep knowledge of the Tarot. I was taught the hidden secrets of each archetype and learned many unique ways of reading the cards. I was also initiated by nature, with experiences such as; being hit by lightning, drowning in the Pacific Ocean (and then went on to be resurrected by a humpback whale). All true stories. I spent up to 44 consecutive days and over 400 overall, alone in nature contemplating life. The Tarot was always a guiding light towards understanding the deeper essence of life’s journey.
One day, I wondered why the Tarot was simply a divination tool or a card game, or a general tool for all of us, rather than a personalized guide into our individual journey. Having studied astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, Numerology etc… It made no sense that it was just a general teaching. I went into deep meditation in nature and asked the question, invoking the original creators of the Tarot. Wow did I get a response! I brought this to two friends who were psychics and Tarot experts as well, and we began a week long channeling of a code that brings the Tarot into an entirely new way of seeing it. I call it the Sphinx Code – as it is the guardian of the sacred knowledge, which truly helps each of us gain access to an individual map of our own subconscious.
Using your birth date, time, and place, the Sphinx Code reveals your subconscious architecture through 16 different archetypes using the Major Arcana. It reveals your life story. For the last 10 years, I’ve been using this as my secret formula to influence and guide many celebrities, powerful CEOs, doctors, and many more. I’ve been lucky to become quite successful due to this system that uses the Tarot so differently. It has blown people away with its accuracy and power to help people liberate themselves. I’ve introduced it to some of my teachers and everyone has been powerfully influenced by its revelations.
Today, we are launching a web app to make this available to everyone. But first, we need your help!
We need to build out a new Major Arcana (22 archetypes) both in light and dark versions, that include all of the secret codes to go along with the Sphinx Code. I have initiated a special artist Mike Pinette, and he has started downloading the code onto two archetypes already (see pictures of the Hermit and High Priestess). They are amazing as he uses pointilization technique, so he’s doing this hand drawn.
In order for him to dive deep and do this full time, we need your help to fund this. We are looking for your help to also develop the web app. So with our special offers, you are now able to be one of the first people to have access to the Sphinx Code as well as the exclusive, and limited edition printed cards (they will be printed beautifully with gold and silver foil on beautiful silk cotton paper) and bring this project to life.
The Offers:
1. A unique set of the 44 cards (22 dark and 22 light) version with a booklet describing the cards.
2. A signed limited edition collectors print of one of the Archetypes.
3. A signed print and your Sphinx Code reading (includes one card deck as well).
4. A preliminary NFT of the entire Sphinx Tarot Deck.
With these contributions, we’ll be able to launch our unique Tarot that has all of the code and you will have a true masterpiece of Tarot history.
What We Need & What You Get:
We are looking to raise at least 250k to launch our site and products that build a powerful community experience and professional toolset for Wisdom Keepers while raising the individual consciousness that feeds the overall planetary evolution.
Your participation will help us construct the web app fully, with all the community features, and complete the epic and highly collectible art from artist Mike Pinette. You will have first access to this beautiful deck, printed in gold and silver on silk cotton paper, and have it in your home to celebrate with us. With time, these masterpieces will increase in value tremendously. We plan to launch with exclusive events and high marketing online campaigns. This will allow us to elevate the value of each of these archetypes through our website and app.
Primarily your investment allows us to continue our work on the app while enabling Mike to finish the beautiful series of art so we can bring this knowledge to the world asap!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and be present here. We look forward to meeting you in person or through our incredible online community. This powerful group of Tarot lovers and truth seekers genuinely want to do the work and learn how to perform at their highest potential.
Enjoy the offerings!
Option 1: $65.00
Tarot deck of cards (44 cards) limited edition gold and silver, with embossed logo. Includes a beautiful box signed by the Founder, Manex Ibar, and the artist, Mike Pinette.
(numbered collectible decks)
Option 2: $120.00
Buy 2 decks and help us go further.
Option 3: $165.00
Get a PDF reading of your own code, and then a collectible deck of cards, so you can create your own Archetypal Blueprint at home with the unique Mike Pinette deck.
Option 4: $250.00
Get the deck, a PDF reading of your own Sphinx Code, and 1 year free of the web app when it is released. The deck will be signed by the artist and founder, as well as numbered.
Option 5: $500.00
Get a limited edition Art print, signed with your archetype of choice (both the dark and light version will be printed together on museum quality paper). Signed and numbered, you will have an incredible piece of art work.
Option 6: $1500.00
Get all of the above and have your art mounted on a professional aluminum stand so that you can hang your piece at home or in the office right away.
Option 7: $2500.00
Buy into the NFT and get a piece of the action. Get all of the above plus a piece of the NFT that will go up for auction when we launch.
Option 8: $5000.00
Get all of the above plus a memorable thank you for all-time as an original donator and founding member of the Sphinx Code on the book that will come out in 3 years time. You will have your name on our website and on the app as a permanent thank you! Plus you’ll have the deck, the art, your reading, and the 1 years free membership.
Option 9: $7500.00
Become a wisdom Keeper, and learn the whole code. Get everything above and also learn the code so you can read people’s deep psyche and become a holder of the sacred wisdom. Become one of the 1000 Wisdom Keepers that understands the code of the art but also of the code, and begin your career as a high-level coach.
Other Ways You Can Help
Manex Ibar & Mike Pinette.