The safer, more durable, non-permanent slide for indoor stairs.
Stairslide is a patent-pending, semi-permanent children’s slide for indoor stairs—a safer alternative to using a sleeping bag, cardboard box, or something worse! We’re looking at you, kid in the laundry basket wearing aviator goggles!
Stairslide’s Patent-Pending Design!
Use Stairslide to slide down any straight staircase in the house. Our patent-pending design helps securely position the slide against your stairs without the need for permanent anchoring or installation.
(Pro Tip: We recommend inspecting Stairslide after each use; if it has moved a little, simply reposition it against the stairs to ensure safety.)
We designed Stairslide to nest on top of other Stairslide pieces so they can extend to cover more stairs. In other words, you can use a single Stairslide on the bottom three stairs or use three or four Stairslides to cover approximately nine stairs. It all depends on your appetite for thrill. Still looking at you, kid wearing aviator goggles!
Keeping the Slide Secure
Stairslide’s patent-pending design uses unique features to prevent it from moving during use. Made with durable, high-tensile strength plastic, Stairslide can withstand frequent use. It’s surprisingly light weight, which makes it easy to adjust or reposition on stairs. We chose this material over less durable (and less expensive) options that would otherwise be discarded after normal wear and tear. Providing a long-lasting solution allows our customers to add additional Stairslides to their collection as little ones grow and become more adventuresome. Collect all colors!
Stairslide Dimensions
Stairslide is over 40 inches long and approximately 20 inches wide with a 14 inch seat, leaving room to use the adjacent stairs (most stairwells are at least 36 inches wide). We recommend placing Stairslide against one wall and using the space next to Stairslide to climb the stairs. Measure your stairwell to ensure sufficient space before pre-ordering Stairslide. A single Stairslide weighs over five pounds.
How Many Stairslides Do I Need?
Not all stairs are alike. Some are up to code. Some are not. And there’s no way for us to know your stairs’ measurements. Start with the number of steps you’re trying to cover, divide by three, then consider adding one. Stairslide covers approximately three steps and they are designed to overlap! For example, to cover three steps, get a single Stairslide. To cover six steps, consider three Stairslides. To cover nine steps, consider four Stairslides. To cover 11,674 steps…you’ll need permission from the Swiss government since you’re probably at the Niesen mountain railway! Blah! Blah! Blah! We recommend placing the bottom of Stairslide on the first step above ground floor to allow your child to step off at the ground floor.
How Did We Get Here?
The process started with a simple, rough sketch. Then we worked with an industrial engineer to create a small model using a 3D printer. But the pieces would not fit together in a way that allowed the slide to stay in tact on the stairs.
Then we tried to scale Stairslide with a few adjustments that were meant to duplicate what we see on the playground. Clearly, this was not going to work because it was too heavy and too bulky.
We realized not all stairs are created equal. Stairs’ rise and tread measurements can vary. And we wanted a solution that would accommodate a variety of stairs. So we started playing around with the “telescoping” feature. And the first prototype had curved handles at the top of the slide (see image). But it was too heavy and it frequently fell down the stairs during use.
Some stairs are carpeted. Some are wood. And we were determined to create something that can be used on just about any size or construction material.
After a little tweaking we finally figured it out! We finalized the design and had the final prototype made for testing.
What We Need & What You Get
We are seeking to raise at least $25,000 from Indiegogo backers to help cover the costs of our production mold and initial inventory order. Support us early and score up to 31% off the expected retail price of Stairslide! We will handle shipping after the campaign ends. We’re still looking into estimates.
Thanks to backers’ support, we can now offer multiple colors. These will be selected at the end of the campaign when we reach out to you about fulfilling your order.
When Will I Get My Stairslide?
Fulfilling orders may take some time. We want to deliver Stairslide to you by mid-April. But first, we need to finish our 30-day Indiegogo campaign. Then wait for funding. Then create the mold. Then bulk production. Then shipping.
The production lead time for a mold is about 45 days and bulk production lead time is approximately 55 days. That means we need funding from Indiegogo by December 15 and orders need to ship out to you by April 01 if we are to achieve our mid-April delivery goal.
Who’s Piloting This Project?
Jacob is a family man–a father to five amazing kids and second in command to his super supportive wife. He’s an entrepreneur with executive experience starting and operating product-based companies.
Craig’s also a family man with four darling children and a very patient wife, whose orders (requests, really) he tries to follow with exactness. Craig has helped build several companies, leading marketing and product innovation. Check out his other successful campaign: Peejamas!
Our story is simple. Jacob’s kids love to slide down the stairs. They used to use sleeping bags. Jacob’s wife was concerned about their safety. One day she asked Jacob to invent something safer that could be stored when not in use. Jacob reached out to his neighbor, Craig. He loved the concept. They launched Stairslide. The end.
Tell Me About The Budget!
Delivering on time and as promised is important to us. We sourced multiple manufacturer quotes for Stairslide’s components and concluded that single-sourcing Stairslide will give us the highest chance for success. The quote we agreed to includes cost of materials, labor, and assembly. Naturally, the mold tooling is the largest expense.
We’ve further broken down the categories into individual components. It’s likely we’ll be able to find more cost effective suppliers over time, however our budget provides a reasonable basis for determining a ceiling on our funding.
Risks & Challenges
We need your help to take Stairslide to market. We will do our best to deliver Stairslide as promised, but our project has some risks that include:
1) Manufacturing Delays: Our timeline is a conservative estimation that includes a few “buffer” days in the event of unforeseen delay. We want to under-promise and over-deliver. But there is no way to guarantee Stairslide will be produced by our published date.
We can, however, guarantee transparency and accountability so that backers are not surprised by bumps in the road.
2) Product Design Changes & Product Challenges: Stairslide’s final prototype works. We’ve used it ourselves. But there are always limitations to testing; not all stairs are the same. And feedback from backers or customers may result in the need to adjust the design down the road. If there are ways to optimize packaging by changing the design then we may consider that. We may need to alter our design to compensate for alternative components. Since we have limited control over the raw material suppliers that our manufacturer uses there is a risk that Stairslide’s structural integrity could be compromised.
We will work closely with our supplier(s) to ensure Stairslide is manufactured according to specification.
3) Product Safety: We designed Stairslide to be as safe as possible. And we did it without compromising important features like portability, durability, nesting, etc. Some supporters have asked about a weight limit. Ongoing field testing has yielded promising results. Stairslide can support a person up to 175 lbs without signs of structural weakness when used properly. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to make recommendations that help ensure the safety of our users.
Using Stairslide in any way other than its intended use may result in injury. Such risks simply cannot be eliminated without jeopardizing the essential qualities of Stairslide. Stairslide may need to be adjusted slightly after repeated use. We recommend inspecting Stairslide’s position on the stairs after each use; if it has moved away from the back side of a stair’s tread simply reposition it against the stairs to ensure safety.
While every attempt is made to embody the highest degree of protection, we cannot guarantee freedom from injury. The User assumes all risk of injury due to use, assembly, or transportation. All merchandise is sold or distributed on this condition. No representative of Stairslide LLC can waive or change disclaimer condition.
- DO NOT slide down head first. Landing on the head or neck can cause serious injury, paralysis, or death, even when landing on a (tumbling) mat.
- DO NOT allow more than one person on Stairslide at a time. This could result in serious injury.
- DO NOT use if your weight exceeds 175 lbs.
- DO NOT use if the rubber strip underneath Stairslide has been removed.
- DO NOT use if Stairslide is not securely positioned against the stairs.
- DO reposition Stairslide back up against the stairs after every use to ensure it is in a secure position.
- DO slide down in a sitting position with legs pointed straight down.
- DO use Stairslide with adult supervision always. We recommend using Stairslide on stairs with at least one foot of landing space for every stair covered.
Legal Stuff & Liability Disclaimer (“Waiver”)…
1. By purchasing and using Stairslide, you acknowledge your use of Stairslide entails known and unknown risks that could result in physical or emotional injury, paralysis, death, or damage to yourself, your children, your property or to third parties. By pledging or purchasing Stairslide, you understood that such risks simply cannot be eliminated without jeopardizing essential product features. The risks include, among other things and without limitation: Stairslide exposes a User to common risks of cuts and bruises amongst other more serious risks. Users may fall off Stairslide or fall down the stairs or suffer more serious injuries, as well. Using Stairslide in any way other than sitting forward with un-crossed legs stretched outward may result in serious injury and must be done at a User’s own risk. In any event, if you or your child are injured, medical assistance may be required.
2. You expressly agree and promise to accept and assume all of the risks existing in using Stairslide. Using Stairslide is purely voluntary, and User elects to participate despite the risks.
3. Should Stairslide LLC (“Company”) or anyone acting on Company’s behalf, incur legal fees or costs to enforce this agreement, User agrees to indemnify and hold Company harmless for all such fees and costs. This means that User will pay all legal fees and costs.
4. User agrees that this release of liability and Acknowledgement of Risk Waiver (“RELEASE”) is made on behalf of their minor child and that all of the releases, waivers and promises herein are binding on that minor Participant. You represent that you have full authority as parent or legal guardian of the User to bind the User to this Agreement.
5. In consideration of not being able to execute a signed copy of this Waiver before each use, you agree that this Waiver shall apply to all uses of Stairslide for the life the product by you and any User in full.
Other Ways You Can Help
We realize some wish to support the Stairslide campaign but cannot make a financial contribution. There are still numerous ways you can help. And we would be ever-so grateful!
Get the word out and make some noise for us! Share the Stairslide campaign with you friends and family on all of your social media accounts using the Indiegogo share tools!
Report counterfeit products or fraudulent copy-cat sites. Our patent-pending Stairslide is such a great idea that disreputable people will pretend to offer it and steal your money. Report them to PayPal, Facebook, Instagram, etc.