All funds raised will be contributing to a black American owned manga/comic series with potential to be animated, and also merchandise.

My name is Traevon Chandler and I am based out of Phoenix, AZ. I am a black male who, from a very young age, has been passionate about creating new stories and the means to realize those stories in art and music. I am fundraising to kickstart my childhood ambition to put together an award-winning, American made, manga styled animated film and series. In order to get to that step, I have decided that the story should begin with releasing comic books, similar to Stan Lee and various Japanese artists.

I am deeply passionate about this goal with my life, and I draw daily to complete the art needed for my next book. My first book is currently on Amazon, with the second coming soon to complete the prologue, but in order to bring the rest of the series to life, I need the help of able backers like you!
Aside from the books, I produce music with the hopes of creating source content for the soundtrack that would fill the background of an animated production some day.
I have over 50 different tracks that I have come up with, mixing classical orchestral sounds with electronic wobbles and boops to create a unique sound. My musical talent derives from my percussive experience growing from junior high through to my time with Arizona State University drumline.
I am passionate about continuing to build this business to its fruition and beyond without giving up, so you can depend on my work, and I am determined to improve the product I create as it grows. I love graphic design and book art and will always have some new twist to share. Your donations will help fund the time needed for the completion of the book series as well as the merchandising and eventual animation of the project once the funding is in place for the hands needed.
Here is the prologue book logo:

The prologue of the series has already started, entitled “The Last King of the Grand Capital”. Part I is currently on Amazon, and Part II will be out on Amazon as of 11.11.2020. As soon as the second book is finished, the plans for the series, merchandise and animation will ensue. Your backing would be greatly appreciated!