A large, co-creative, engaging, inspiring, action-oriented online community for sustainability.
On the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, April 22, 2020, Sustainable mPact™ launched the first version of its global online community for sustainability. Since then, we have gained global recognition and Proof of Concept. We are currently working intensely with developing and growing the platform – and we need your help to do that! Our platform welcomes people from all walks of life, who are interested or passionate about sustainability, and we also welcome companies, organizations, and other stakeholders who are, or who want to become, part of the sustainability transition.
Our vision is to become the world’s most powerful and action-oriented sustainability movement. The reason for our vision is that the next ten years will present us with some of mankind’s greatest challenges of all times. A decade of action to repair the Earth awaits us. Now is the time to demonstrate our unique power as human beings as well as our ability to innovate and problem-solve. Remember the awe-inspiring civilizations that we have built, the life-saving technology we have innovated, and the fact that we have put a man on the moon. If US president John F. Kennedy could fulfill his ambitious vision to put a man on the moon in a decade, we too can accomplish great things. Let’s mobilize to save humanity. We are running out of time.
On the basis of ‘We Are One’, we fuel inspiration and motivation to take action for a sustainable world. Our purpose is neither bland nor pedestrian. It´s built on love and care for our planet. It’s our battle cry and we are prepared to defend it. We’re all in this together.
We are a non-political, non-religious movement that welcomes people from all walks of life. We believe in science, we believe there is hope for the planet and humanity, and we want people to be nice to each other online.
Sustainable mPact™ is the only AI-powered platform for social communication and action centered around sustainability. These properties are a game-changer in the social platform market, as we will use AI and machine learning to drive sustainability behavior forward in an unprecedented way.
The ability to connect and integrate our digital platform with client companies’ intranet solutions, will provide brands with seamless and attractive digital workplace solutions.
Another key feature of the platform is that it will make our customers’ employees much more engaged in their company’s sustainability work since the employees will join our online community as part of the services we provide our customers with.
We’re planning for the next version of the community to be full of many new cool and useful features and functionalities that will inspire people to lead more sustainable lives. We will also focus a lot on metrics, measurements, and very important to us, action action action.
Last but not least, we are using art and cultural expressions to raise awareness and stimulate action in the fields of sustainability – a strategy that has been working well for us so far. For example, check out this music video that our affiliate organization Sustainable Soundtracks™ produced: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRZy8yImNWc
To summarize, our innovation will make a powerful contribution to the global sustainability transition.
With our innovation, we will significantly increase the chances of the world meeting the Paris Agreement and fulfilling the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
The platform will include many features to optimize the users’ experience to engage in leading more sustainable lives. Some of these features are presented below with some sneak peeks from within the beta version that is live right now at www.social.sustainablempact.com !

Users can browse through their feeds to get an endless amount of content just focused on sustainability. There will be articles, images, videos, and much more content provided here. Select what users or groups to follow to make your personal feed as interesting as possible!

The Sustainable mPact™ team will post news frequently in the news section. These news will be hand-picked content that we think is of relevance for all users and will increase the accessibility for users to find them since they’re gathered in one place.

Manage your profile and set your preferences to pick your interests, push your ideas, share content you think is relevant, or just use it as your wall of positive sustainable content!

Sustainable mPact™ will also create several sections on the platform where users can easily discuss specific subjects such as sustainable tourism, sustainble fashion & make-up, sustainable innovation, etc. as well as their favorite SDG!