A Bering Sea of Possibilities: 19,321 acres of gold mining property. Permits issued. Explored, Drilled, Historical & Current production..
Profit meets adventure, fast ROI and long-term residuals
Taġiuk Gold, LLC mines for gold from the bottom of the Bering Sea. The expansion funded by this capital raise will be the largest gold mining operation offshore Nome, Alaska.
The loan plus off-take model is becoming quite popular in the mining world. For our version of it, investors are repaid their investment, plus interest, from 95% of net operating revenue. Plus, as a bonus, investors get the option to buy 12.5% of our gold production at a fixed low price until 10 years after the investment loan is repaid. This provides rapid ROI as well as long term income.
We have an ownership stake in over 19,000 acres, shown in green and yellow:
Andrew C. Lee founded Taġiuk Gold, LLC. Andrew has over a decade of gold mining experience offshore Alaska with a variety of methods. Starting with a diver controlled 8” suction dredge in 2006. Early success lead to the addition of a second unit in 2008. After 6 years of operating and managing 6-inch, 8-inch, and 10-inch dredges, Andrew was recruited to become an operating partner in the largest Gold mining suction dredge in the United States. Now, with an ownership stake in over 19,000 acres, Andrew and his family are striking out with the newest and largest eco-friendly mega-dredge.
Taġiuk is the local Iñupiaq word for sea and reflects both physical location where we mine for gold as well as our company’s deep respect for the people and history of this area. Our family has lived in Alaska for generations. We see mining for gold from the sea as continuation and extension of the subsistence lifestyle, which must only be done in harmony with traditionally harvested resources.
The Bering Sea is harsh enough already for the sea life that lives here and the people that depend on it. While the life that thrives here is very hardy, we at Taġiuk Gold are committed to minimize any impact that we may have. Where possible, we strive to make that impact net positive as we renew the sea floor during the mining process.
- Taġiuk Gold’s revolutionary mining process consumes less than 6 gallons of fuel per troy ounce of gold mined compared to typical mines that use between a very-green 12 gallons and a more normal 25+ gallons per troy ounce of gold mined.
- We use an entirely gravity-based separation process, completely chemical free.
- Our hydraulic fluids are inherently biodegradable, free of heavy metals, non-toxic, recyclable, and approved for use in environmentally sensitive areas.
- Our submarine tailings disposal system minimizes both seawater turbidity and the seafloor area we impact. Studies have shown that full recovery of the benthic community in mining effected areas occurs within six years.
- We plan to mine less than 2% of our leased mining area per year. Reclamation is always done concurrent with mining; with rapid regrowth, less than 10% of our leased area is impacted from our mining activities at any time.