Strengthen your imagination with a tangram reinvented into a magnetic 3D puzzle.
Your imagination has no limits with Pickagram. As you piece together the well-designed puzzle, your brain will connect the dots and help you create unique shapes and sculptures. There is no wrong way to play with Pickagram. That’s the beauty, each combination is the result of your personality or experimentation. Even if you run out of ideas, new shapes will form that you have never seen before!
Geometry and Abstract Figures!
Sea Creatures! (Real or Fun-tastic!)
Sky Creatures (is it a plane? Is it a superhero or is it a bird??)
Land Creatures… Roaaaarrrr!
Human (what are you waiting for? Pledge now!)
Pickagram will come in seven different colors. The colors represent the most commonly used colors in every country’s flag in the world.
As an immigrant parent from Korea, I’m attached to colors that make the Korean flag blue, red, black, and white.
By mixing different colors, you can create your own custom figures that you can empathize with.
These are three qualities that make each one of us unique, yet connect humans in some way, shape, or form. Humans have always visualized, conceptualized, and materialized their ideas to build our society to where we are now.
Yet, modern society seems to look past one another, forgetting that we are from the same origin. We seem incapable of looking past appearances and understanding the depths of who we are. We have become disconnected.
Pickagram was designed to reignite connection and imagination.
From children to adults, Pickagram can become anything you want it to be when it is in your hands. As you experiment with it, you will realize that there is more to it than just its shape. There is more meaning behind initial appearances.
Our magnetized 3D puzzle is not just a toy for children. It is a fun mental exploration tool for all ages. Pickagram can display your unique figure on your desk as a light conversation starter. It can be used as a healthy distraction, or even just to fidget with when you feel a bit overwhelmed.
Fidget toys have been proven to be a stress reliever. So, even if Pickagram is just your office fidget toy, you still benefit from its use.
It can help youngsters unlock and develop critical mental factors and help them develop their imagination and problem-solving skills. Not to mention the joy they will experience when they create something truly amazing!
Pickagram consists of two elements: plastic and powerful magnets. As a plastic for casting, we use ABS plastic of the highest quality with natural saturated colors. For magnets, we use neodymium magnets of the best quality N42. There are 58 magnets used to make a set of Pickagram and magnets are placed in a specific location and thoughtfully engineered to allow maximum configuration.
In Pickagram, we use strong rare earth Neodymium (Nd-Fe-B) magnets. They lose no more than 2% of their magnetic force in 50 years.
Pickagram will surprise you by unlocking new possibilities in your mind. How? A spur of the moment movement can quickly be portrayed through the puzzle, allowing you to visualize your thoughts, or, come up with a wacky design to show off to your friends and family.
If you are not familiar with a Tangram, it is a dissection puzzle consisting of seven flat polygons, called tans, which are put together to form shapes. The puzzle dates back over 200 years and allows users to create more than 2000 shape combinations.
Pickagram is a Tangram with a modern twist. Our puzzle was designed using the Golden Ratio along with the Fibonacci Sequences 13, 55, and 89.
You can use Pickagram‘s 7 magnetized pieces to create over 100 3D figures.
When you are done, Pickagram folds into a perfect solid square small enough to fit comfortably in your hand.
Pickagram is not just a random catchy word. The name has two meanings.
We wanted to honor Piccasso, the master of cubism. Hence, Pickagram.
The second meaning highlights the limitless possibility of your imagination. You have the freedom to experiment and Pick a gram that you want to create.
As a society, we often overlook the beauty of the night sky. Picture yourself on a hillside about 3000 years ago. There were no city lights and clouds of industrial haze. There was no social media, phones, and TVs to alter your imagination.
This is how our ancestors were able to appreciate the beauty of the stars from almost anywhere on the planet. From all civilizations and ethnic groups, the stars brought humans together by inspiring their imaginations.
Our ancestors told stories beneath the stars, were inspired by the stars, and made the stars a crucial part of their lives.
Have you ever looked up at the stars and noticed patterns, shapes, and different beautiful constellations? Pickagram drew some inspiration from this and allows you to create what you see in the stars! Our ancestors created stories for the star formations we recognize today and it’s a legacy of imagination. Points, lines, shape, and form… Just like the constellations, Pickagram will stimulate your imagination through play.
The logo is a heart made of Pickagram. The heart needed to support itself and not topple over. So, we took the inner piece out and put it at the bottom as support. The figure of the Pickagram logo is“The see-through heart.”
If you look at the world through your heart you will begin to love it more and be empathetic about events that have affected so many lives.
Life has never been easy. In the last few years, it might have felt like the world is falling apart. Wars, sickness, pollution, animal endangerment, and so many other factors have been pushed into the spotlight. As humans, we are capable of making a difference even in the smallest ways.
We are not saying that Pickagram is the 3D magnetic puzzle that will solve every problem in the world. The message behind Pickagram is that we are all unique, yet, every human has love, empathy, passion, and so many other important emotions that could make a huge difference in our societies.
When we were born, we were all just a folded-up Pickagram puzzle. A small basic square. As we grew up, we turned into our shapes and continued exploring.
Pickagram was created by architect parents on a mission to explain the human condition to their children.
Gilryong Song believes that we are social, creative, and inventive animals that need stimulation and an outlet for love and empathy. When we don’t have our basic needs met, we suffer.
Pickagram wants to get back to the basics of solving problems. It’s sparked by the curiosity of Gilryong and Minjae’s kids and ends with endless possibilities for intuition and interaction.
During the pandemic, while working from home, it was really hard to find the balance between kids, work, and life. We ended up buying a lot of toys to make things easy. Toys were somewhat expensive, so I came up with the idea to buy a 3D printer so that I can print figures. It worked out great and the kids had a lot of fun painting and playing with them. Problem solved!
Not really. A lot of things happened in the last few years and my son Daniel started asking me about things that he learned in school such as Black Lives Matter, global warming, endangered animals, and pandemic. I tried to answer his questions and found out that all issues had a main component: the lack of empathy and love. Empathy and love are the only way to overcome most human-centered problems. One day while I was playing the Tangram puzzle with the kids, I found I can use it as an object to teach them empathy.
Our inspiration comes from the Tangram puzzle which consists of seven shapes that you can turn into more than 2,000 figures.
These shapes and figures all originated from simple squares when put back together. This means the way we look is not as important as we think, and we are essentially no different from each other.
I went one step further. As an architectural designer, I reimagined its 3 dimensions and invented a magnetized 3D art toy puzzle. I also divided them into four stages of design. The point, line, shape, form. So that you can play with various levels of difficulty.
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Like Tangram, we want Pickagram to last for many generations to come. Pickagram will carry the same legacy as Tangram, and inspire future generations to become their shapes and be unique.