The 4-in-one toothbrush: for a luxurious and an environmental smile! 100% Manufactured in Quebec!
Everybody is hiding the fact they brush their teeth at the office for example even though everybody does it (not sexy) We want to eliminate shyness around brushing teeth. Not only people are shy about their toothbrush but also about their toothpaste, which is why we offer the full experience in one practical carry-on. Moreover we agree on the following fact: in this COVID’s time we don’t want to share the toothpaste, it is… FORBIDDEN!
In other hand upset to loose 90% of the toothpaste each time in the sink, the first solution was to put the toothpaste between the bristles. But not really practical and hygienic. The toothpaste is shared indeed! Also if it is not practical to put the toothpaste between the bristles from the top to the bottom, the inverse is more reliable, directly in the hand. So, Kava Inc was born.
(All the pictures will be made with our 3d-printed prototype.)

Within in our company we are 3 persons who have the same goal: offerring an attractive and practical dental care. We propose products which combine a toothbrush, the toothpaste and the dental floss. The toothpaste is inside the toothbrush design. The dental floss is at the base of the toothbrush or with a head removal system. A cap to avoid the problem of bacterias.

Moreover, it is not convenient nor practical to bring a toothbrush, the toothpaste and the dental floss to your work. Sometimes, we forget the toothpaste or you prefer skipping brushing because you find this embarrassing. We propose an attractive and a trendy product which give an incentive to the toothbrushing. Like a cosmetic. We sell self-confidence, in the mouth.

Wherever you are in the world, this premium toothbrush will become an essential everyday accessory. Compact and eye-catching, the Kava toothbrush fits easily in a suitcase, purse or travel bag. With its 4 in 1 design, you will no longer have to search for the tube of toothpaste or the dental floss case in the bottom of your bag or travel kit.
The brush is equipped with …
Economy (SUPER) • a toothpaste dispenser with a two-week brushing capacity that delivers the right amount of toothpaste for each use, with no mess or excess;
Ecological (SUPER) • interchangeable brush heads to be replaced every 3 months.
Practice (SUPER) • a flossing device at one end and a sturdy carrying case. All parts of the Innovation Kava portable toothbrush can be disassembled, making cleaning easier and ensuring proper hygiene. Completely customizable, the Kava toothbrush carrying case allows you to stand out with this everyday object modified in your company colors!
Our team is composed of:
Kaven Lamoureux, , frigorist’s education, 25 years of experience within the groceries and contacts specially in Quebec and Ontario.Contacts within Sobeys, Metro. Autodidact. For his hobbies, he likes to designing some applications, tools, etc. He works as mechanical designer and all has begun with him!
Francis Frappier, 20 years of experience in the Insurance and Finance’s fields. He owns his company and offer the framework to be successful.
Charles Vanelslande, engineer, 7 years of experience in engineering, he has an experience as purchase manager and has 2 masters in mechanical engineering and Project Management.
With your contribution, we wish to take care of your oral health at home, at the office or on the road. Also it will be easier than before with the new Kava Innovation portable toothbrush!
Your investment will be useful for the mold making and the commercial coverage.