An incredible film taking you from creation to the fall to the flood to today, and into the future!

It’s soon to roll over to the year 2022, and the past couple of years have left many Christians believing that the end must indeed be near. Whether we have decades or only years left, it’s not a lot of time either way, to fulfill the great commission – when Jesus commanded us to go and make disciples of all nations. When our Lord returns, who will he find as the good and faithful servants, who worked hard to spread His message of salvation, even right up until his appearing?
Enter our new film: The Ark and the Darkness: Unearthing the Mysteries of Noah’s Flood. Not only will this film promote the Gospel, it will lay out clear evidences for the historicity of the Bible, starting with the very first chapters. We have two hopes for this film: First, that many would hear the Gospel and choose Christ. Second, that those who are already Christians will solidify their faith and understanding that God’s Word aligns with earth history.
The co-producer and director of this film, Ralph Strean of Sevenfold Films, directed and produced Genesis: Paradise Lost in 2017/2018. This film is the most popular film on creationism to date, and consistently rates among the top 5 films in both the “best selling” and “highest rated” categories on Christian Cinema. With this film, Ralph Strean won Best Director, Best Cinematographer and Best Visual Effects across multiple film festivals in different countries.
The executive producers of this film are with Genesis Apologetics, one of the leading publishers of online creation apologetics content—especially when it comes to Noah’s Flood, with over 4 million views on YouTube and Facebook. Genesis Apologetics has worked cooperatively with other leading creation ministries and experts over the last seven years to distill the top evidences for the Biblical Flood, most of which will be highlighted in this film!
We’re going to produce this film as if it’s the last thing we ever do, because it seems as though time is running out! So our objective is quite simple, to make a film that takes the viewer from A to Z. If you could sit your lost friend down and show them one video or film to convince them the Bible is true, this film is intended to be it.
The greatest evidence of the Bible’s authenticity is the evidence of the world-wide flood. It’s quite literally on every continent and the fossil fuels that the flood event produced are part of our daily lives. There is no doubt that this new film should focus primarily on the flood event, and point the audience to another coming judgment, in which this time they’ll want to escape through our savior Jesus Christ!
Our plan is to briefly cover the events that lead up to the flood, by first starting with creation, then explaining the fall and man’s sinful state. Then we’ll explore the pre-flood world and the events leading up to Noah’s flood. Afterwards we’ll show the post-flood world and parallels of the tower of Babel and today. Finally, we’ll go from today into the future, and show how you can be spared from that final judgement by the blood of Jesus Christ. Sounds simple right? Well it’s going to take us over one year to get it done, and thanks to much prior support of our fan base, much of the work has already been done!
This is a monumental task that we’ll need you to bathe in prayers, as we have a lot to sort through and many excellent topics that are sure to be left on the cutting room floor. We can only fit so many topics into this film, and so for now, here are some of the main points slated to be featured in the film:
The only thing better than hearing a film like this will soon exist, God willing, is that it will be released to the public for FREE, immediately following it’s theatrical release! Ralph Strean of Sevenfold Films, and Dan Biddle of Genesis Apologetics, both had it on their hearts to get this film out to as many as possible, from the very beginning! Our supporters can have the peace of mind knowing that their contributions will help to develop an incredible evangelistic tool that will not be restricted or hidden behind a paywall. Our primary motivation is the reach the lost by spreading the gospel as far and wide as possible!
This film will feature expert speakers in their respective fields! Among the current list of speakers are Dr. Jeremy Lyon, Dr. John Sanford, Dr. Randall Price, Dr. Gabriela Haynes, Dr. Andrew Snelling, Dr. John Baumgardner, Dr. Kevin Anderson, Dr. Terry Mortenson, Dr. Charles Jackson and Tim Chaffey!
Sevenfold Films and Genesis Apologetics are teaming up again, and this time to make a Biblically epic film! Between our two ministries, we have created both the most popular film on creationism to date, as well as the most viewed YouTube video on the topic of the flood, at over 2.6 million views and counting! Sevenfold Films also recently created the incredible pro-life footage of the Olivia project, released by Live Action, which has a collective 12 million views on both YouTube and Facebook within only months of release! Sevenfold Films is also producing another series that spans Biblical history, called Quantum, and starring Dr. Charles Jackson (a favorite of his film Genesis: Paradise Lost), which is set to be released in the not-too-distant future.
*Below are actual shots already created for this film!
Watch the official trailer for Genesis: Paradise Lost, Ralph’s 2018 film that was funded right here on Indiegogo! Below it is also the 7 minute preview of Quantum, a forthcoming Christian sci-fi series that will explore Biblical history through a time-travel plot!
Genesis: Paradise Lost Trailer | Quantum 7 Min Preview | First Ever Pro-Life Video
Below is the Babel 2.0 teaser trailer, a production which will now be re-written and featured inside The Ark and the Darkness film, instead of a stand-alone feature:
Ralph Strean won Best Director, Best Cinematographer and Best Visual Effects across multiple film festivals in different countries, for the crowdfunder-backed production Genesis: Paradise Lost, which was crowdfunded right here on Indiegogo. Genesis: Paradise Lost was the first 3D Christian film ever produced and various other awards as well! We as believers are instructed to store up treasures in Heaven (where our real rewards are), but such affirmation helps demonstrate that your hard-earned dollars are in competent hands, for the glory of God!
Genesis: Paradise Lost is also among the only films consistently among the top 5 films in both the “best selling” and “highest rated” categories on Christian Cinema. The film also enjoys a 4.6 out of 5 stars on Amazon video, which translates to a 9.2 out of 10 score!

Is my contribution tax deductible?
Yes! Sevenfold Films has partnered with Genesis Apologetics to produce this epic film. Genesis Apologetics is a 501c3. Your contribution is indeed tax deductible!
Who is Genesis Apologetics (501c3)?
Genesis Apologetics has invested seven years distilling the leading evidence for the Worldwide Flood, resulting in publishing the most-watched Flood evidence video in history (pushing 3 million views on YouTube, and millions on Facebook). In the 1990s, six doctorate-level scientists made the most significant Genesis discovery in our lifetime: Catastrophic Plate Tectonics. This discovery unveiled case-clinching evidence that Noah’s Flood really happened, and happened only recently. Even better—this team discovered just how the Flood happened, and even when it happened, in a way that perfectly matches the Genesis account. Since then, heaps of additional evidence has been amassed substantiating the Biblical Flood. Our team at Genesis Apologetics has synthesized these leading evidences, settled the main convincing points, and has now joined with Sevenfold Films to present the most compelling case of the Flood ever made.
When will this film be released? When can I expect my copy of the Blu-ray/DVD?
This film is projected to be released early to mid 2023. As with any major production, it’s difficult to foresee potential obstacles! However, much of this productions assets have already been created through Sevenfold Films previous endeavors, which is allowing us to fast-track this film. Shortly after the film is released in theaters, there will also be a location online in which you can watch the film for free! Within 4 months of that timeframe, the Blu-ray and DVDs will be shipped out.
Is this Genesis: Paradise Lost Part 2?
No, this is not the sequel to GPL P1. The same producer and director, Ralph Strean, is behind both films, and yes, both films are documentaries based on scripture found within the book of Genesis. However, this film is a stand-alone release, and is not related to the first film. With that said, the director expects that viewing both films will help save the lost, as both films offer substantial information on the truth of scriptures and the evidence found that overwhelmingly supports the Bible!
Is Sevenfold Films still developing Quantum?
Yes! The director’s attention is bifurcated on both The Ark and the Darkness and Quantum. Quantum will be an on-going series with episodes released throughout the years. Quantum is the director’s dream-project and by God’s will, will have a fantastic release of it’s own in the not too distant future.