$3,940 raised out of $75,000
Start date
May 05, 2024
Close date
Jul 05, 2024

Dawn of the Dead meets The Breakfast Club


What is The Bereavement Club

The Bereavement Club is a feature length horror film from Cascadia Dread. The movie’s about a group of teens stuck in detention at the dawn of a zombie apocalypse. So think The Breakfast Club meets Dawn of the Dead. We need your help to make the film a reality. Here’s a few reasons why we’re making the film:

  • We here at Cascadia Dread have produced many short films over the years and are now looking to produce a feature. 
  • We believe that the Pacific Northwest is a location ripe with potential for filmmaking and we’re determined to bring more productions to the beautiful PNW. 
  • WE LOVE HORROR! If you’re a horror fan too, you definitely want to check this film out. 

Watch These Videos Here:

Want to learn more about the project? Check out a teaser trailer below, plus some more information from the filmmakers. 


Where Will the Money Go?

In short, we need $75,000 for the following:

  • To pay the cast and crew. We have a lot of very talented people attached to the film and we want to ensure they get paid for it. 
  • Locations. Can’t film a movie without a location, and a little money goes a LONG way to finding good spots. 
  • Blood and Gore! It’s a horror film after all, but we have big plans in the blood and gore department, and special FX cost money. 

What if We Don’t Hit Our Goal

We’re working on multiple fundraising strategies, but if we don’t hit enough of our goal to greenlight the film, one option we’re exploring is to put the funds toward a new proof-of-concept short and/or preview and entice future backers. 

Risks & Challenges

Filmmaking is never an easy venture but we’re confident we can make this film happen. Currently, we have plans to film in August and September. There’s always the possibility that things can change or fall through, but we’ll adapt where needed and do what we can to make this film a reality. In the meantime, we’ve taken the following steps

  • We have a well-planned out budget
  • We’ve gotten very diligent at creative filmmaking over the years having produced many short films. Filmmaking is like 75% problem solving, and we’ve adapted well.

About The Filmmakers

Chris Wyatt – Writer/Director

Andrea Hays – Producer

Trent DeVerter – Producer

Nicky Smit – Director of Photography

Abby Hartung – Makeup and FX Artist

The Cast
We have assembled an array of talented local up-and-coming actors, all of whom already have multiple accomplishments to their names. 


Other Ways You Can Help

SHARE SHARE SHARE!!! If you’re able/willing to contribute, please do, but sharing is just as (if not more) important. Inform your friends, your family, post it on social media, and just help get the word out as much as you can. 
