$15,819 raised out of $95,100
Start date
Dec 28, 2020
Close date
Jan 27, 2021

This is a new Oracle Deck with simple, colorful design. It’s blunt, honest, and easy to read. Ideal for any type of read.


I’ve always been in love with art, and how it can communicate so much with so little. The first version of this deck was so much different than what you can see right now. I used many photos and layers and filters, but after a while, it was clear it wasn’t working for me.

I wanted something that could be easily interpreted, and I realized that using a minimalistic style would be best for this project. That way, a more personal (and individual) interpretation could be achieved with little to no effort. The reader ‘s mind is doing all the work, without complications. It lets your intuition free.

Another thing that was extremely important for me, is bluntness. Whenever I’m looking for answers, I need to know the truth, and I need it to be clear. And this deck is exactly that, it’s direct and to the point. It’s simple, yet honest. It’s kind, yet sharp.

That bluntness and honesty makes it perfect for shadow work, it lets you see things that you might have not noticed. And the only way we can grow is through change, but in order to do that, we need to know what’s wrong, or what needs more attention, or even love.

I used three primordial colors (pink, blue and yellow) and in addition to that I used two other complementary colors (white and black) to create a major, clearer tonal contrast.

These colors may soft, but the messages are clear and to the point. Don’t be fooled by how soft and tranquil the designs may seem, they’re here to let you in in what you need to know.

General information

42 cards

Printed in couche 300g

Size:  8×12 cm (3.14x 4.72 in)

Mini deck: 5×7.5 cm (1.9×2.9 in)

Another characteristic of this deck, is that it doesn’t feature people. So no matter where you’re from, it doesn’t matter what you look like, you can use this deck freely.

In some occasions the user (reader) is portrayed as a yellow dot. This to symbolize your inner light and power, and it’s used to conceptualize certain themes a bit better.

In addition to the deck itself, I wanted to create both unique and different experiences for my supporters, and this perks will only be available for my kickstarter patrons.

Exclusive stickers and bookmarks

You can also get some very unique metallic stickers and bookmarks! 

All inspired in The Clarity Deck.

Exclusive downloadable content

wallpapers for you phone and computer!

I really hope that you love this project as much as i do, for it was intended to share my love for divination and art.


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