Raising funds to make a second season of this hit comedy series
“THE DISAPPOINTMENTS doesn’t disappoint.”
The first season of THE DISAPPOINTMENTS began dropping in November on YouTube and now, with all 11 episodes currently streaming, the show’s a bonafide hit! Our channel is fast approaching one million views in just four weeks. Episodes have been viewed over 100,000 times. Reviews have been stellar. The comments and messages across all forms of social media have been overwhelmingly positive — people have connected with these characters and their stories. They’ve laughed and cried and have been left wanting more. More episodes. LONGER episodes. Perhaps you’re one of these people who have expressed a vocal interest in seeing a second season. You want to know what happened between Ray and Dwight that resulted in the finale’s twist. And how Gary’s prognosis will turn out? And please God, will James ever get his act together?
If you want to see a second season, we’re going to need your help!
“Burns, Campbell and Watanabe have undeniable chemistry together, and the show has some very funny moments as the three struggle to get their lives back on track…assuming they were ever on track to begin with.”
– Queerty
Season Two promises to be bigger with 10 episodes now 22-25 minutes long. That equals the length of TWO feature films! There will be even more antics from our four protagonists, new and exciting locations, and an even higher production value. In Season One we pulled in every favor possible to make the show happen. We’re simply not going to have that luxury the second time around, which is another reason why our fundraising goal has increased. Our team will always find the most economic way to make the show happen, but even with our famous thriftiness, this truly is what a new, expanded season will cost. Remember, this is not just for the shoot, but for post-production as well.
If this resonates with you and you’re moved to make a contribution, large or small, you’ll be helping us to meet the budget for a new and expanded season of THE DISAPPOINTMENTS. The scripts are written and polished and the entire team is ready to jump back into production as soon as we have the funds. Over the next 60 days, you alone — our backers — have the power to bring Season Two to life! As Dwight would say, “We believe in you.“
THE DISAPPOINTMENTS is a hit comedy series about a group of close friends in their 50s who realize that the life they’re living today falls far short of what they had imagined for themselves when they were 25. Careers, living situations, family dynamics, romantic relationships: It’s all a bust, and the clock is ticking. This is a show about recognizable people taking desperate and funny actions in an attempt to turn their disappointing lives around before they run out of time. Literally.

Rich Burns (“Ray”), writer/director/executive producer
Instagram @heyrichray
Gedde Watanabe (“Gary”)
James Matthew Campbell (“James”)
Instagram @jcam1222
Trevor Lapaglia (“Dwight”)
Instagram @ohhhtrev
Steve Cubine, executive producer
Instagram @qbine3
What’s in it for you?
Besides the satisfaction of getting a second, bigger season of a great show made? Plenty. We’ve dug deep to get creative with what we can offer our backers. Sure, you’ll see the standard crowdfunding perks that are tried and true. But we’ve also come up with some incentives that are fun and different and that you’ll see tie into the theme of the show.
We’re grateful for every single cent that comes our way. No amount is too small — or too big! And we look forward to expressing our gratitude through these incentives, and more!
Why are we crowdfunding?
The landscape of television and movies is constantly shifting, with streaming services leading the charge. Content is king and more and more people are bypassing the traditional routes, taking matters into their own hands. And the results can be astonishingly good — just check out Season One! Our team continues to be inspired by filmmakers who have broken with the traditional paths to financing in order to protect their creative integrity. Coming directly to you the audience to crowdfund our budget allows us to do the same.
We’re thankful to be able to take this route as it gives us total creative freedom AND the honor of taking you on this journey with us, every step of the way.
Where does your money go?
Our team will be calling in every possible favor to keep our expenditures low — everything from free locations where possible to our cast once again raiding their closets for much of their own wardrobe. But no matter how cost-effective and ingenious we are, there simply are some expenses that cannot be avoided.
The shoot will take place over approximately 28 days. During that time, we will need to cover the bills for lights, cameras, lenses, accessories, sound equipment and hard drives to store the footage. All costly items. Liability insurance is a must. It’s our obligation by law to make sure our cast and crew are always protected. There’s production design and wardrobe, extras, location rentals where needed and the transportation costs for equipment, cast and crew to get to these locations. Food is another necessity. Being on set is an all-day affair and nobody wants to deal with a hangry actor or sound engineer. Trust us! Healthy meals are crucial to keep our team functioning at 110 percent to bring you the best possible results.
Our cast and crew are incredibly talented and we’re honored that they believe in our show and are willing to move Heaven and Earth to see it completed. We may not be able to pay them their full rate, but they need to be paid something in return for all their hard work. They have families to feed! And puppies! Think of the puppies!
And then there’s post-production, another big ticket item. We could capture the most artistically framed shots and award-caliber performances, but it don’t mean a thing if we fail to put the same effort into editing, sound, musical score and color correction. This is what makes or breaks any show! And don’t forget the soundtrack!
When everything is factored in, the number we’ve set for our campaign will allow us to make an entire second season for the lowest amount possible.
Down to the last person, we are a team dedicated to and passionate about storytelling. And THE DISAPPOINTMENTS – Season Two is the story we all want to tell.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some of you reading this may not be able to contribute money, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help:
- Make some noise about our campaign on your favorite social media accounts, and help us spread the word!
- Follow us on Instagram @thedisappointmentstv and Facebook
- Please check out our IMDB page and give us a good rating!
- Be sure to use the Indiegogo share tools!