An exciting new board game for one or more curious explorers…

Have you ever wanted to explore the world with famous figures like Darwin, Marie Curie or even Rasputin? This is your chance to become yet more famous and rich than any who have come before you. With THE GREAT EXPEDITION™ comes even greater struggles. This game will see you traverse mountains, meet killer animals, and even encounter tribes. One false move may lead to your death but one good move may lead you to the coveted Holy Grail.

THE GREAT EXPEDITION™ is inspired by the much loved video game “Curious Expedition”, with some similarities but also many many differences. Each character has a different skill set which can change the game at any given moment. Marie Curie can heal herself, Rasputin can charm his way with any village and Charles Darwin can tame dangerous animals. Each time you play THE GREAT EXPEDITION™ will be a fresh experience, with at least 20 different stories so far to play through and more story arcs within them.

We have designed this game to be roguelike so that every game is different and never gets repetitive. We have 3 characters designed so far and are working on another 3 which will be revealed at a later date but we know they will be everyone’s favourites.

The target is set at £120,000 (GBP), which will enable us to produce game sets to a high standard and ship them around the world to buyers. We are currently sourcing figurines externally but we are looking to acquire our own 3D printer to bring production in-house. As a collective we have over 10 years in design and we are all very passionate about this project. It is something we have been looking into for a long time now and we are finally ready to make this passion a reality.

This is gonna be a game like you’ve never played before! You can work together or try to take each other out. One thing is for sure: whatever your chosen strategy, we know it will be a fun time for all.

In the future, we intend to release expansion packs for the game to add even more content, for even more re-playability. We have prototypes ready to ship out as soon as possible. We want people playing and enjoying it as much as we have enjoyed making it. The worldwide release will be around April 2021 depending on the COVID situation.