The Hardy Cookie Hut is a custom cookie shop and bakery using old school recipes with a new school flare.
Fresh, warm, soft chocolate chip cookies and milk.
Grandmas kitchen set just of the dinning room. The smell of fresh baked goodies fills the air as you sit down and talk and laugh with friends and family. Things that we just dont get to experience anymore. Now imagine walking into a bakery that was EXACTLY that. Dining rooms tables, the smell of cookies fills the entire room, cookies being baked right there in front of you in a kitchen/dining area that’s plucked right out of Grandma’s house. (Maybe just a bit bigger though) This is what we want for The Hardy Cookie Hut. A space for friends and family to gather and enjoy good old fashioned baked goodies. A space for people to come as strangers, but leave as old friends. A place to remind you of fond memories of back when times were simpler. A place to make new memories to never be forgotten.