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Bright Bridges 2019 awards.  

Bright Bridge Web Top 10 Award
Bright Bridge Web 2019 Best Of Provo Award Web Designer

Jewelry Unique Purchasing Engine Search (JUPES)

  • Before you start reading more about JUPE, I feel it is very important for you to know that the over-all concept has been tested, guess what, it works!  Bright Bridge Web Development is engineering it with my guidance and direction.  We‘re making tremendous progress every week, producing and achieving staggering results.
  • Jewelry Networks goal is to search the entire network of over 300,000 jewelry stores, upcoming auction houses, wholesale houses, independent sellers, private sellers, and global internet websites abroad. 
  • JUPE will be the next Ebay, but way better & primarily focused in a specific billion dollar a year market.  (Jewelry) A global network developed and engineered with the utmost computational complexity delivering incredible and accurate real time consumer saving product information.
  • We’re developing a new buyers/sellers website global directory platform.
  • Jewelry Network is being developed completely for the consumer.
  • The websites al is engineered with (JGPS) – Jewelry Global Positioning Search by using the consumers precise location. e.g The consumer is on vacation and visiting Naples, Florida and he/she is thinking about purchasing a Sub-Mariner Stainless Steel Rolex Watch, providing the year and style the consumer is interested in purchasing.  The websites search engine functionality is engineered/programmed using a highly powerful sophisticated al methodology producing fast and accurate results.  Thus, recommending and guiding the consumer based off of certain built-in criteria’s. These criteria’s are of great importance, because they produce beneficial information for the consumer, so that they can safely and accurately compare price.  Resulting in major consumer savings, and convienance. 
  • JUPE provides beneficial information about store credibility, best price comparison, quality, in store availability, inventory, and consumer savings.
  • This new search query tool is tailored for either purchasing or selling.
  • This new al/website/network is engineered to provide essential information about the piece of jewelry, which will include the current value/worth, certification, specifications, and history of the desired piece.
  • The al is engineered with magic points using current market prices.
  • JUPE is engineered for massive market growth, consumer savings, product manufacturing, and economic stability.
  • E.g The consumer is getting engaged and knows their Fiancé loves round brilliant diamonds.  The websites search tool provides the consumer with the current market price, and how much of a percentage he/she is purchasing it for.  If the current market price for a one carat (F) in color & (VS1) in clarity round brilliant diamond is for example $9,000.00 per carat why should the consumer pay $15,000.00 for it. The al is engineered to compare apples to apples by using certain benchmarks.  
  • JUPES Network will eventually be a terrific buyers guide!  With your help this wonderful network can come to life.  It will be the first of it’s kind, but we need your help.  