A young woman attempts to commit suicide after a trigger, which forces her into intense therapy.
Funding this 2.5 MILLION DOLLAR film will expose the hidden secrets of predators and bring about a sense of vindication and consolation for those who are voiceless. The Kimberly Ray Story is a powerful film that brings awareness to victims of abuse and encourages the importance of seeking counseling. This is my story, like so many others, that I was a victim of sexual and physical abuse from the age of three to nine, from a Deacon at my church. However, with many setbacks, suicidal attempts and triggers that forced me to see a psychiatrist, I was slowly able to raise up out of the ashes of hopelessness and begin to build a vigorous life for my children and me. Join us in Breaking the Silence, because your voice matters.
LOCATIONS: Savannah, GA and Houston, TX