MoNS asks a question – What would a museum be like on the playa within Burning Man culture?
The Museum of No Spectators (MoNS)
What would a museum be like on the playa within Burning Man culture?
MoNS answers this question in a radically inclusive and interactive way.
MoNS is creating a space for all citizens of BRC to become exhibiting artists.
Join us in making this happen!
What would you do there?
What role would art play, what role would people play, what role would you play?
We are picking up the debate of the participatory nature of Burning Man culture in contrast to the Default World museum experience. MoNS turns the concept around and creates a fully participatory container by encouraging people to participate playfully with the idea of what museums and participatory art means in terms of creating and nurturing culture.
Participants will enter through the Gifting Shop, transforming the commodification of default world museum gift shops into a decommodified container for gifting, then flow through the eight galleries R.I.D.E. Gallery, Snark, Groundscore, 10 Principles, Sparklepony, and Dark Art, culminating in the Theatre of the Participant.
MoNS is a blank canvas for you, the citizens of Black Rock City, to create upon. You may choose to interact in a myriad of ways. Burners enter the Gifting Shop and create a gift for a future participant to receive with one of our Artists in Residence. Some of you may choose to hang out in the Gifting Shop and offer hugs, cups of chai, whiskey, or cold ice cream to share. You may even be offered a grilled cheese sandwich in the Gifting Shop. Participants may use the provided art materials or bring your own to fill the eight galleries with art. Each gallery offers more ways for citizens of Black Rock City to interact and engage. What piece of MOOP did you pick up that may be just right in the empty display case in the Gallery of Groundscore? Will you stand on a pedestal and be the art or bring a sculpture? Docents will be there to ensure MOOP is not created by this process, as well as monitoring safety and bad behavior.
Please join us in supporting this unique Burning Man 2022 installation!
By funding the project, your participation makes the participation of others possible
MoNS will be constructed of aluminum, wood, and steel. We recognize that this is a significant amount of money – but this will be our 2nd year in a row building big art at Burning Man – so we understand how much it really costs to create playa magic. We need your collective help to make MoNS happen!
Check out our amazing perks especially designed for our supporters since we recognize that you are an integral part of building MoNS – every dollar you donate makes you our partner! Please visit our website to get further details about our project.
If you are interested in gifting the Museum a large single donation and would like it to be tax-deductible, please contact us directly at mons.TaxDeduction22@gmail.com THANK YOU.
Every burner is an artist!