FAV is a new concept audio visualizer that uses Magnetic fluid, a liquid that responds to magnetic.
In July 2022, BurnSlap has already successfully completed the limited edition pre-sale of ‘FAV-LE’. Surprisingly, all 80 limited editions were sold out in less than an hour. The newly produced ‘FAV-ST’ is the next version prepared for those who unfortunately could not order the limited edition.
Fluid Audio Visualizer – firST edition
‘FAV’ works this way.
FAV is not just a visualizer for viewing.
it is an interactive artwork that is completed with user intervention.
Sound frequency selection function
Knob A: You can enjoy the Magnetic Fluid that responds to the specific range selected by the user. Knob B: You can adjust the volume of the magnetic fluid’s response sensitivity to the selected sound range.
FAV-ST can set various modes. 7 levels of detailed frequency band selection, LOW, MID, HIGH, and Full range modes can be selected.
Audio & Magnet control buttons
Sound volume and the FAV’s electromagnet power level are proportional. That is, the movement of the magnetic fluid can be controlled through the sound volume.
Back panel I/O
FAV-ST provides line-out & line-in terminals so that you can use your existing speakers and audio devices. In addition, new features and performance enhancements are available through firmware updates via USB.
Visualization sample
BurnSlap is using Instagram to show how FAV responds to a variety of music genres. If you’d like to see FAV’s continuing development, please visit BurnSlap’s Instagram account(@dakd_jung).
BurnSlap has been focused on developing audio visualizations like never before However, developing high performance speakers is another area of specialization. So, BurnSlap provides an Line out terminal so that excellent speakers from other companies can be used. (FAV-ST basically has a built-in 5W speaker.)
In addition, it is possible to connect to various sound devices through the line input terminal. If you connect an external speaker at the same time, the Pass-Through function is possible, and if you connect a Microphone, you can see the FAV that responds to all sounds.
Production and Shipping Timeline
BurnSlap has already completed the development of the FAV by completing the production of the limited edition FAV-LE. Nevertheless, the reason why the production period is rather long is that detailed research and development periods are included for better quality. FAV is not yet perfect as it is a product that did not exist before. I hope you understand me.
✱Delivery may be delayed due to Covid, poor supply of semiconductors, or natural disasters.
However, BurnSlap promises to notify you immediately when any changes occur.
✱Customs clearance & customs duties & VAT in each country are directly paid by the buyer. Before punding the product, be sure to check the customs and customs procedures in your country.
✱BurnSlap is responsible for shipping from its headquarters in South Korea to the point of arrival at the customs of the country of residence of the customer. From the time the customs clearance process begins, the buyer who purchased the product will handle it directly.(Once the customs process has started, the shipping company (UPS) will contact you.)
Countries available for delivery
KOR, USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Switzerland, European Union
‘FAV’ birth background.
February 2021, Coincidentally, while researching ferrofluids, I discovered an interesting movement and prototyped it to respond to music. Immediately after posting the production video on social media and overseas community websites, many people liked it, and the video quickly spread.
Subsequently, it began to be known by numerous overseas tech review media, and in the meantime, many people around the world showed interest.
To be honest, I didn’t know the response would be this good. I was just very surprised and grateful. So, in order to reward them, I have been conducting research and development for a more complete product.
FAV has also opened two art exhibitions to the public to hear feedback from the field. This experience has been of great help in improving the quality of FAV.
* Aqua Paradiso / National Asian Culture Center(Gwangju, KOR) / 2022.6~9
* 2022MIF / The Palace of Fine Arts (SF, USA) / 2022.9
‘FAV’ is created in this way.
FAV is a Magnetic fluid audio visualizer. magnetic fluid is a material first developed by NASA in the 1960s. It has been used for fuel transport in zero-gravity space, spacecraft, and sealing connections in space suits. The composition of the magnetic fluid is very fine iron particles and a surfactant coated on it , and base oil.
It is very tricky to keep the ferrofluid from sticking to the glass bottle. Most of the existing cheap magnetic fluid toys are difficult to use because the magnetic fluid easily sticks to the glass bottle or the magnetic fluid changes after a certain period of time. The glass surface processing technology developed with BurnSlap’s proprietary technology prevents magnetic fluid from easily sticking to the glass surface.
In addition, it does not change easily by using a high-quality magnetic fluid and a transparent liquid developed exclusively for display.
Magnetic fluid is characterized by being easily changed in a transparent aqueous solution. If you move vigorously like an FAV, the rate of degradation increases exponentially. BurnSlap is working to solve these problems both on its own and with specialized companies.
In addition, to directly verify this, a specially designed test device was designed and manufactured to test the quality of magnetic fluid in an environment similar to FAV. We are working towards more reliable life expectancy estimates.
The unique movement of the magnetic fluid created by the FAV creates a more beautiful movement with an independently developed hardware circuit design and software algorithm. In the meantime, the operation and function have been improved through various device and circuit modifications.
In addition, the electromagnet used as the core component was designed by BurnSlap. This is because it is difficult to make the movement of a fluid attractive with existing off-the-shelf electromagnets. It is made with Burnslab’s proprietary technology designed to harmonize the size and shape of the magnetic field and energy efficiency.
Unfortunately, while BurnSlap strives for good quality FAV, numerous copycats have popped up.
They may seem easy to follow. However, they cannot replicate the results of BurnSlap’s unique technology and hard work. Above all, this project would never be complete without art and philosophy.
Imitation is what learners need. By learning in this way, each identity is added to create creation.
However, many copy products that have appeared now are only for the purpose of making money, which undermines the value of the original and eventually causes the creator to lose the motivation to create. We need your help so BurnSlap can continue creating amazing creations. FAV-LE,ST is just the beginning. You can look forward to it
Artist introduction
DAKD JUNG, who developed FAV, is a technology-based installation artist who is active in South Korea. Since 2016, he has been creating installation art works using magnetic fluids, mainly focusing on the study of visual expression on the movement of fluids.
It focuses on the mechanical and physical changes of hardware and the properties and movement of materials, and research to find aesthetic expression possibilities through software coding. After studying Electrical, Electronics and Illustration, I later worked as a game designer, illustrator, graphic designer, and more recently as a technology-based installation artist.
FERROR / Electromagnet matrix device, Glass tank, Filling liquid, Magnetic fluid | 130 x 200 x 60cm | Seoul | 2019
Pataphysical Pond | Electromagnet matrix device, Glass tank, Filling liquid, Magnetic fluid | 150 x 150 x 20cm | Seoul | 2017