Collective Stories of Combat Veterans and their experiences in order to preserve these great men and woman
Hi my name is Jay and I served in the Marines as 0311 (thats infantry for those who don’t know) and I came up with this idea cause I wanted to perseve these great stories from Veterans while they are still on this earth. We owe so much to these great men and women. I will work on reaching out as many Vets as I can that served this country. I know the goal is high but the more money that is raised the more stories I can collect. My goal is to publish these stories. They will not touched by me or filtered. The way I hear these stories are the way they will be written down. I hope this goal can be reach and accomplished! Thank you all for your support. If you know any Combat Vets that would wish to share then please let us know. The journey can only start when the goal is reached!