Crowdfunding to raise funds for preparing and initiating the Japanese language school online
(English: Here is a video about this campaign if you prefer watching to reading.
(Japanese: 動画でのクラファンの内容説明はこちらになります→https://youtu.be/IHdDFEJ2Mww)
Short Summary
Hi, I’m Kent a.k.a. Santi from Tokyo Japan. Thank you for your time. I’d like to start with a question, “Do you want to speak Japanese? Are you interested in Japanese culture and visiting Japan?” If your answer is yes, you have found the right campaign!
Firstly I’d like to share my vision and then I will introduce my idea to achieve it, the online Japanese language school and how I would use funds from backers.
My Vision
I want to support foreign people who have an interest in Japan. To achieve my vision, I already have worked on my Youtube channel for over 1 year. I have provided information about Japan and solved communication issues subscribers have with Japanese people. I certainly felt that these videos helped many subscribers.
(There are over 200 videos. Here is the channel URL. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNcH3IJ4sO1DCMP5G5hOAJA)
I have worked to make a successful channel to address cross-cultural communication between Japanese and foreigners.
However, along the way I discovered many of my viewers had issues with learning the Japanese language. It is difficult for them to learn Japanese and many of them give up studying before they can speak.
So now, I want to support their Japanese language learning.
My Japanese Language School
As a result of my findings, I have researched and developed a better learning method . That is process coaching. Once students enroll in my school, they have access to lecture videos online and can start studying. I made videos which cover an entire Japanese textbook for beginners. There are over 400 videos, 15 chapters. It is specifically designed for beginners to learn Japanese step by step. Once you complete your Japanese course, you will be N4~N5 level (Japanese Language Proficiency Test standard)
(The textbook used in videos is the same as other teachers use in Japanese Language school in Japan.)
They will also have a personal coach, Santi, and daily and weekly practice Japanese and communicate with him. Since students watch and learn by themselves, they can study efficiently and effectively. Since there is a personal coach, they can stay motivated, too. Therefore their Japanese improves in a short period of time.
Students also have access to a closed facebook group. Inside the group, you can get to know other students and Japanese members personally. We are here to support each other so you can solve problems about learning Japanese and prepare before you come to Japan.
So I want to launch this Japanese language school online. In the future, we will be a web community where foreigners can gather and learn about Japan, its culture and the Japanese language online.
What We Need & What You Get
The funds from backers will be spent for launching the school and attract potential students.
Here is the list of how much you can donate.
Donation amount : What you get as a gesture of appreciation
$3: Shoutout name during youtube live
$15: 10 of my dog’s photos to download
$35: Japanese Personal Message Board
$60: Karaoke with Santi online
$80: Santi’s body building contest photos (5 downloads)
$100: Access to Tokyo Travel Videos by Santi (3 spots, 3 videos)
$300: Access to the closed facebook group
$1,000: A personal thank you letter
$1,700: Access to all videos for Beginner’s level
$2,000: Personal Thank you letter and Lunch with Santi (meal fees included.)
$3,000: Personal Thank you letter and Dinner with Santi (meal fees included)
Here is the plan for expenditure.
$1,908: for KAJABI.com billing annually. (Uploading lecture videos and providing students access)
$500: creating brand design and logo
$2,600: blogging marketing ($50 for weekly blog by actual students)
$3,000: acquiring first 3 students
Total Planned Expenses: $8,008
(All funds from backers will be spent on launching the service and attracting students. )
Risks & Challenges
Since I have made videos for the basic course, done some demo trials with real students and brushed up the service, I am ready to launch the service. However, in the interest of full disclosure, I must mention the possible potential for risk which could slow the project:
Man power: Since I am launching this service by myself, I have to take care of everything including delivering content, providing consulting to students, web management, and marketing etc. It could be delayed if I have health issues. Currently I am in good health and there is nothing I can see that would prevent me from proceeding!
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can share this campaign with your friends who have interest in Japan, Japanese culture or Japanese people or plan to visit Japan and can make some noise, it would help me a lot.