$229 raised out of $250,000
Start date
Sep 08, 2023
Close date
Nov 08, 2023

The 3-Floor Toaster Oven that delivers 3 perfectly cooked dishes at precisely the same time.


We take our responsibilities seriously and understand the importance of our campaign promises. Our supply chain partners are ready and able to manufacture and deliver Toast Elevator as promised. We have been paying precise attention to the minor details and have prepared a step-by-step plan so that every backer will receive their Toast Elevator and join the kitchen revolution.


We operate honestly and transparently. That is the right way to keep supporters in the loop and aware of timeline schedule milestones from manufacturing to delivering your orders to your doorstep! For questions, chat support directly here, or email us at info@elevateyourkitchen.com.



At Elevate Your Kitchen, we believe that supporting our mission goes beyond financial contributions. While every dollar counts, we understand that not everyone may be able to make a monetary donation. However, there are many ways you can make a meaningful impact. By simply spreading the word about our campaign within your social circles, you’re helping to amplify our message and reach even more potential supporters. Your voice matters, and your enthusiasm can inspire others to join our cause. Sharing our Indiegogo campaign using the built-in share tools takes just a few clicks and is virtually effortless, but it can make a world of difference. Your voice matters, and by making some noise about our cause, you’re playing an integral role in our journey toward a successful Toast Elevator launch. Every share, every mention, and every interaction contributes to building a stronger community around our campaign. So join our kitchen revolution, and take your culinary journey to the next level.

