A Streaming/Paneling platform
We are Caleb Whitcomb and Dale Downing Jr., founders of AltruShield. Our goal is to raise $250,000 to develop our future app, ToppIt.
ToppIt will be a streaming and paneling platform. Panelists earn money by taking pre-qualified surveys, and can cash out their earnings or donate them to their favorite streamers. Streamers have the ability to open a merch store on the app, as well as receive donations from viewers.
At AltruShield, we want to see people succeed. Our app will allow users to top their profits, and ease the stresses of living paycheck to paycheck. Nowhere else can you view your entertainment and bolster your income simultaneously. That is our goal with ToppIt!
The full development and launch of ToppIt will cost $200,000. This figure includes app development, security, storage, bookkeeping, maintenance, legal services, and marketing.
This project mean everything to me, I grew up in a poor town in Upstate New York, I had an extremely rough childhood which made there only one escape my online friends, and communities. I want to help these content creators grow to their fullest potential and make a change in peoples lives, where they feel safe and can grow with one another. The best way to do that is to give the content creators as much control as they can have. So we decided to involve streamers in our business to help give us the best possible ways to help them. We also have a market research company already on board and waiting to go all we need is the financial end.