Community-wide support for the “rebirth” of The Birth Center of Boulder into a newly expanded vision
The Birth Center of Boulder (BCOB), a freestanding birth center in Boulder, CO currently owned by Boulder Community Health (BCH), is returning to private ownership under a new name: Boulder Birth & Holistic Health (BBHH).
Community support is vital during BBHH’s transition back from a hospital-owned to an independently operating community organization.
BCOB has lovingly supported so many families in our community over the past 9 years, and now we have an opportunity to show some support in return. Let’s come together and help BBHH keep their doors open during their powerful transformation and safeguard birth options for families in our communities for generations to come!
History & Details
The Birth Center of Boulder (BCOB) has been offering out-of-hospital birth and gynecological care to the greater Boulder community since July 2014. Located in Boulder, Colorado, BCOB’s team of dedicated Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNMs) has worked with thousands of families and has welcomed over 900 babies into the world.
In November, 2021, BCOB was acquired by Boulder Community Health (BCH): a partnership that was meant to further integrate and normalize midwifery care and birth choices in the larger medical system. Unfortunately, 2022 resulted in record-breaking losses for hospitals nationwide – BCH included. As part of its cost-saving efforts, BCH decided to close a number of longstanding outpatient clinical practices; it also decided to end its partnership with BCOB. BCOB was faced with the option of shutting their doors or reassuming private ownership. Two longtime staff members (one midwife and one clinic manager) have stepped up to the challenge of purchasing BCOB from BCH and re-envisioning the path forward for this unique and important model of care.
With our help, BCOB will be able to avoid closing its doors and instead seize this opportunity to “rebirth” into an even more impactful community health care center with more comprehensive services to better serve an ever wider population. To embody this evolution, BCOB is taking on a new name: Boulder Birth & Holistic Health (BBHH). BBHH’s new logo incorporates the image of a dragonfly, which is symbolic for embracing change in order to meet one’s fullest potential – a transformation that will continue to benefit our entire community for generations to come. It is essential to keep ALL birthing options available in our communities.
NEEDED: Support from the Community
The Birth Center of Boulder, soon to become Boulder Birth & Holistic Health (BBHH), needs immediate and urgent support in order to see this inspiring vision through to fruition and avoid closing this invaluable community resource. Immediate funding will ensure they are able to navigate this transition while keeping their doors open, avoiding any interruptions in care for current clients.
Once the separation from BCH is complete, it will take time to re-stabilize, restructure, and expand services (details upon request for interested business investors, and coming soon for the general public). With our efforts, we can help return BCOB/BBHH to a place of financial stability, safeguarding this important service within our community.
Specifically, immediate financial backing will be used for the following:
● Legal fees
● Monthly lease of existing birth center facility at 2800 Folsom Street, Boulder, Colorado
● Fees for transferring/re-acquiring all business licenses, medical record system, malpractice insurance, birth center accreditation, etc.
● New website & marketing campaign
● Development of new logo, signage, merchandise
● Operational expenses including retaining and paying staff salaries during the delay between delivering healthcare services and receiving insurance payments (typically 3-9 months)
We know in our wonderful and widespread community, many of us are eager to support BBHH in their efforts. Consider one of the following ways:
- Make a monetary gift of any size to BBHH
- Attend the Uplift Boulder Birth Fundraising Event : Aug 19, 2023 (Details to come)
- Donate a professional service or good for the silent auction at the Uplift Boulder Birth Fundraising Event
- Spread the word about BBHH’s transition away from BCH and expansion of services
- Post Google reviews under the BBHH name when available
- Purchase merchandise when available
- Share this Indiegogo campaign within your personal/professional networks
Reach out to BBHH* if you have services you may be able to offer, such as:
- Financial sponsorship / Investor interest
- Screen printing / Merchandise printing
- Web development / SEO expertise / Marketing
- Accounting / Bookkeeping services
- Other professional service you believe may be of use
* Abrie Koupal, MSN, CNM, Clinical Director and Amanda Boni, Clinic Manager: BBHHtransition@birthcenterofboulder.com