$71,109 raised out of $1,000,000

A vibrant cafe/bistro located in the heart of Yamanashi, Japan, serving authentic homemade Mediterranean & Middle Eastern soul food!


Hi. My name’s Anthony and I’m the chef and owner of TREE – Anthony’s Kitchen here in Kofu, Yamanashi, Japan. I came to Japan from London, UK in 2015 and we are now in our 5th year of business. My parents were both born in Cyprus, hence the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern influences in my food and menus. 


TREE – Anthony’s Kitchen is a cafe/bistro serving modern takes on classic British,  Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern food. From our falafel and squid ink burgers, to our  delicious cakes & scones, all our dishes are locally sourced and made fresh by us here on site.  We aim to serve authentic, fresh, and tasty meals to all our guests whilst creating a casual,  relaxed, and uniquely foreign atmosphere.


Our homemade squid ink rolls

When I first started this business back in 2017, I was cooking on a camping stove in a tiny space, taking orders, and serving at the same time. I was running around like a headless chicken,  bumping into things and my team! But thank God, as time has gone on, the store became  busier. Since then, my team has grown bigger and we’ve made some upgrades to our kitchen.


Turkish Çılbır – Anthony’s personal favourite

Now we are ready to take our business to the next level – both for my team’s working  environment and for what we can offer our amazing customers. 


Fancy a trip to Santorini?

It has always been our plan to expand and renovate our current location but then COVID  happened. Along with so many other cafes and restaurants, TREE really took a massive hit,  which meant we had to empty our savings to get through the pandemic. Fortunately, with the  help of God and all our amazing customers, we’re finally back on our feet and are ready to take  that next step with your help!

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With your help, we would like to raise ¥1,000,000 (which is about 6000 pounds) for the café renovation. This money will go towards expanding the kitchen and service/seating areas to  accommodate more people; buying a proper commercial oven and a bigger fridge; and, so much more. We’d really love for you to partner with us in this journey. As incentives, backers will get to  choose from free drinks and food, cooking courses, and various Anthony’s Kitchen  merchandise, so please do check out our rewards.

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Cooking courses available as incentives for backers..

A massive “Thank you!†in advance for all your support, both home and away. We couldn’t do  what we do without you all. Big love.

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More than a team…we are family!