ACTION PACKED 64 page full color Graphic Novel- Heroes you can believe in!
64 pages of full color, action and adventure. Heroes you can believe in!
Created by David Williams and Gabe Eltaeb
David Williams (story, pencils) Gabe Eltaeb (story, script, colors) Gary Martin (inks)
David, Gabe, and Gary have nearly 90 years of mainstream comic experience including titles such as Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Star Wars, Nexus, Justice League, Avengers, Iron Man and many more.
The Story
Truth, Justice, and American Way are America’s sweethearts. Adored by the young and the old, they save the world and charm their fans with the utmost style and grace. They are regulars on the late night talk shows making the audiences laugh and scream with delight. Kids everywhere eat their Truth, Justice, and American Way cereal while wearing the t shirt and playing with the action figures. To say they’re the world’s most beloved and famous heroes is putting it lightly.
One day there is a devastating attack, joy is turned into terror and many lives are lost. In the fallout from this tragedy, the news media begins to question if Truth, Justice, and American Way may have not done all they could to prevent it. People begin asking “Were there other times Truth, Justice, and American Way didn’t do all they could to save lives?” The accusations and media firestorm explode with shocking allegations of negligence against Truth, Justice, and American Way- shattering public trust and destroying their image.
Hounded by authorities, Truth, Justice, and American Way go on the run. The government and military turn on them, their friends abandon them, and the public now hates them. They have to find out the truth about the deadly attack. Who did it, and why? Can they trust each other long enough to solve this mystery? Because if they don’t, a much worse disaster is coming that will cost millions of lives.
The icing on the cake! As the campaign funding progresses, we’ll add goodies that you’ll love!