A billiard game viewing and improvement system.
This Is .uCue
by G.P. Cole
In the summer of 2009, I was lying in bed one night and imagining what could happen for pool tables to have a place in the digital world. I began jotting ideas down on napkins and bits of paper, making clunky prototypes here and there, then after technology caught up and some experiments to combine them, I had put together what has become .uCue.
Even though the main hurdle is the cost, today everything that is required to create .uCue exists much more affordably. Micro-computers, I/O boards, object identification, algorithms, everything is available now! In fact I have made a working prototype from an old beer light fitted with screens, camera, etc… and colevending.com is the BETA testing site for recording, uploading and our YouTube channel has all the games recorded so far.
Me and my dad, Jerry Cole, started our business, Cole Vending, in 2002, the same year my daughter was born. We supply jukeboxes and pool tables to local bars and restaurants. Unfortunately, Covid has badly effected our industry: since they have been closed, we are closed. We have not been in business since March! Hard to fund a new project seriously with no income and living on savings. But, it has given me the time to focus on the development with what I have, secure a patent and start looking for people who want this to happen as much as I do!
I am raising capital to develop a 100% functioning FIRST MODEL, then can begin mass production with additional backing.
Depending on how well we do on kickstarter.com we may be able to begin production by January! To view our .uCue future renderings and presentation go to colevending.com
The Future of Billiards
Next steps
Even with the prototype I have now (in the pic and vid above) I can create the software systems and have everything in place to hit the market.

What Does It Do?
.uCue isn’t just a cool way to view games and advertise, it will revolutionize billiards. The .uCue system will analyze every shot for every game and SHOW YOU with lasers projected on the table where to align your stick. You will have practice courses to refine your game, improve your striking and control and help instruct you on power and spin to potentially improve your game with every shot.
With a .uCue account you’ll be able to win prizes for accomplishments and cash awards for winning.

While you play, your game is coached audibly through speakers and with the projected lasers so that you know your making improvements as you go. You can upgrade your experience with laser animations and avatars, all through a .uCue app for your phone.
It will be digital pool in real life!
A Life In The Game
I believe in this deeply. I have put my heart and soul into .uCue, labored and invested $1000s in research, physical prototypes and a patent for an incredible new device, but best of all…NOTHING LIKE IT EXISTS!! I have absolute faith in .uCue to be a gigantic, monumental change in the gaming industry.
Take the opportunity to be one of the people who GOT THIS DONE!