American-Based, American-Made, Cutting-Edge FREE SPEECH video-sharing for everyone.

DIRECT CAMPAIGN LINK (copy, paste, and share–especially in TEXT and EMAIL): http://kck.st/3moo4vn
I used to love YouTube… we all did. But then something happened… We made YouTube too powerful—and somewhere along the way, we forgot this most important lesson:
We’ve been censored, banned, restricted, silenced, demonetized or even de-platformed— without notice or recourse—by Orwellian Big Tech oligarchs! And thank God people are waking up. Even my liberal friends have told me how disgusted they are with the suppression of information, opinions, and FREE SPEECH on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.

For companies who boast principles of equality and tolerance, these Big Tech Overlords have hypocritically become the exact opposite. These companies, though at one point may have been well-intended, have become anti-virtue, anti-freedom, and anti-American. They’ve placed themselves as the Gods of this world and we have given them our worship! NO MORE.
Today, you and me together—WE THE PEOPLE—are taking back our silenced voices. I’ve said for years, if there was only somewhere else to go these Big Tech plantations would be out of business yesterday. But how can we compete with such massive companies who’ve had years and endless funding to refine themselves into what they are today? We have to start somewhere. And we’re starting TODAY. There’s a massive exodus happening right now to many “free speech” platforms, including “free speech” video-sharing platforms? I truly hope their intentions are sincere but how do we know these platforms truly understand and value FREE SPEECH? Bitchute‘s based in England and Rumble, in Canada. Parler’s funded by the same money behind the Facebook Cambridge Analytica scandal—the unauthorized data mining of 87 million Facebook users! We love ALL countries and ALL companies everywhere who champion liberty, but the Big Tech exodus can’t just be about gaining market share–it’s about preserving FREE SPEECH. This is why the next FREE SPEECH video-sharing platform will be made in AMERICA–homegrown, right here in the land of the free.
Today, I introduce to you UGETube. U G E Tube. This platform was birthed by an American organization with an eight-year history of fighting to preserve our second amendment. And you better believe an organization that cares so fervently about our right to bear arms cares just as fervently about our first amendment and all amendments, together with the entire Constitution of the United States. UGETube is ALL AMERICAN. It’s passion? Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and—yes—FREEDOM OF SPEECH!
UGETube is a slick platform that’s already built and ready to use! In fact, it’s been around for over 2 1/2 years and already has hundreds of thousands of registered users. Millions have viewed UGETube videos—sometimes without even knowing it for its comfortable, familiar streaming interface. It’s so easy to navigate with tons of amazing features like a clean and aesthetic browsing experience, up to 2X listening speeds, screencasting, a 2-click YouTube Import feature, and freedom to listen to videos even when your device is locked! UGETube has come a long way and it’s finally ready to reach its full potential. That’s where YOU come in!

Help us to take UGETube to a whole new level—help us dethrone YouTube in features and freedom! Imagine building an audience you have direct access to, knowing you will never be shadow banned, never be suppressed, never be censored or deplatformed. NO. Your audience is yours and yours forever. I recently posted a video on Facebook and YouTube that suffered terrible viewer suppression. After a few days of enduring this disgusting abuse, I decided to post the same video on UGETube. Sent it to a few people and within 24 hours it had 3 times the views of both Facebook and YouTube combined!
We have a lot of ideas for UGETube but we want YOU to come with us—to grow with us—to unite with us on this once-in-a-lifetime exodus. Help us make UGETube the world’s preferred video-sharing platform—honest, transparent, and free.
Help us add new features like LiveStreaming, an amazing mobile app for Apple and Android, further refining our upload interface, a storefront, movie distribution, and more.

Our minimum Kickstarter goal is enough to create our mobile app but UGETube and this campaign could do so much more.
- $115,000 (Minimum Goal): This gets you an amazing new UGETube mobile app.
- $250,000 (1st Stretch Goal): This gets you an amazing new UGETube mobile app, refinement to our upload interface, and limited growth (outreach and marketing).
- $500,000 (2nd Stretch Goal): This gets you an amazing new UGETube mobile app, refinement to our upload interface, LiveStreaming, and limited growth (outreach and marketing).
- $1,000,000 (3rd Stretch Goal): This gets you an amazing new UGETube mobile app, refinement to our upload interface, LiveStreaming, movie distribution, and scaled growth (outreach and marketing).
- $2,000,000 (4th Stretch Goal): This gets you an amazing new UGETube mobile app, refinement to our upload interface, LiveStreaming, movie distribution, and full-scale massive growth (outreach and marketing).
With your help—and our God-given desire for tech freedom—it’s not only possible, it’s probable that UGETube could rise as a major competitor to YouTube within the next year. You might be saying “That’s great but how can I trust UGETube won’t stray from its founding principles?” I know UGETube founder, Sam Robinson, on a deep personal level. He is more committed to freedom and excellence than anyone I know. And besides him being a lifelong student of America’s founders, UGETube has its own binding constitution. An ironclad rider that binds UGETube from corruption forever. Our commitment in writing that no matter how big UGETube gets, it will never—even if we wanted to—be able to stray from its founding principles of FREE SPEECH and individual liberty.

Now, I need to let you in a little closer. One of the major challenges of a video streaming platform is monetization. It costs tens of thousands of dollars a month to stream videos! In fact, most people don’t realize, YouTube lost money hand over fist for the first 10-12 years of its existence. We don’t have that kind of time or money. The good news is, just like buying in bulk, the more users we have the lower the usage rates per user. Massive growth is the only way to defeat Big Tech censorship. Most platforms allow FREE access but then bombard you will manipulative targeted ads. Our platform must be different. But it also must sustain itself. UGETube will utilize a hybrid approach, allowing some advertisements with a voluntary AD-FREE option, giving the user full control over how they support FREE SPEECH.
We have an expansive (extremely well-planned) vision for UGETube that we can’t reveal as part of this campaign but, with your support, partnership, and feedback, we will realize it TOGETHER. The reality is, dethroning YouTube will take a war chest of millions. Help us turn the eyes of the world to this campaign. Our freedom and future depend on it.
Join us today. Pledge to this campaign for your God-given freedom, for your husbands, for your wives and your children. For your right to hold and share your opinions without fear or persecution by oppressive technocrats. Pledge today for a bright future that YOU control, prosperous and free. If we UNITE AS ONE right now, we can reclaim our silenced voices with a video-sharing platform that will vouchsafe FREE SPEECH and flood the world with liberty for as long as this good earth shall stand.
In the Spirit of Freedom, “E Pluribus Unim”. Let’s build UGETube together!

UGETube founder, Samuel Robinson, is a successful serial entrepreneur with a HUGE heart and an unshakable commitment to FREE SPEECH. He has sacrificed greatly to build UGTube to what it is today and he hopes, with this campaign, to gain the financial backing he needs to refine, expand, and market UGETube as a superior FREE SPEECH alternative to YouTube. He puts country before reputation.
“And for the support of this Declaration (of Independence from Big Tech), with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.” E pluribus unum. Let’s build UGETube TOGETHER!”

DOWNLOADS (Pledge $50 or more):
A link to all digital downloads will be provided after our campaign successfully closes. Backer is responsible for the design and labor of adding PNG image to profile/avatar image of their choice. “UGETube Kickstarter BACKER” 15-second Epic Intro Video mp4 is a video file that can be added to all your UGETube video projects.
- “UGETube Kickstarter BACKER” profile/avatar layover PNG
- “UGETube Kickstarter BACKER” 15-second Epic Intro Video mp4
YOUR NAME on the “UGETube FOUNDER PAGE” (Pledge $150 or more):
YOUR NAME listed on our NEW “UGETube Kickstarter FOUNDERS” Page (to be created on the UGETube platform after the campaign successfully closes). Also, you will be part of our exclusive “First Look” development feedback team. Be the first to see all proposed improvements and offer your feedback before the improvements go live. Includes all lower rewards. Backer is responsible for the design and labor of adding PNG image to profile/avatar image of their choice. “UGETube Kickstarter FOUNDER” 15-second Epic Intro Video mp4 is a video file that can be added to all your UGETube video projects or anything else you desire to use it for.
- “UGETube Kickstarter FOUNDER” profile/avatar layover PNG
- “UGETube Kickstarter FOUNDER” 15-second Epic Intro Video mp4
- Exclusive “First Look” Development Feedback Team Membership
BRONZE FOUNDER (Pledge of $1,000 or more):
YOUR NAME listed as a BRONZE FOUNDER on our NEW “UGETube Kickstarter Founders” page (to be created on the UGETube platform after our campaign successfully closes). Includes all lower rewards. Limited quantity! Also, you will be added as a member of our exclusive “First Look” development feedback team. Be the first to see all proposed improvements and offer your feedback before the improvements go live. Includes all lower rewards. Backer is responsible for the design and labor of adding PNG image to profile/avatar image of their choice. “UGETube Kickstarter BRONZE FOUNDER” 15-second Epic Intro Video mp4 is a video file that can be added to all your UGETube video projects or anything else you desire to use it for.
- “UGETube Kickstarter BRONZE FOUNDER” profile/avatar layover PNG
- “UGETube Kickstarter BRONZE FOUNDER” 15-sec Epic Intro Video mp4
- Exclusive “First Look” Development Feedback Team Membership
SILVER FOUNDER (Pledge of $5,000 or more):
YOUR NAME listed as a SILVER FOUNDER on our NEW “UGETube Kickstarter Founders” page (to be created on the UGETube platform after our campaign successfully closes). Includes all lower rewards. Limited quantity! Also, you will be added as a member of our exclusive “First Look” development feedback team. Be the first to see all proposed improvements and offer your feedback before the improvements go live. Includes all lower rewards. Backer is responsible for the design and labor of adding PNG image to profile/avatar image of their choice. “UGETube Kickstarter SILVER FOUNDER” 15-second Epic Intro Video mp4 is a video file that can be added to all your UGETube video projects or anything else you desire to use it for.
- “UGETube Kickstarter SILVER FOUNDER” profile/avatar layover PNG
- “UGETube Kickstarter SILVER FOUNDER” 15-sec Epic Intro Video mp4
- Exclusive “First Look” Development Feedback Team Membership
GOLD FOUNDER (Pledge of $10,000 or more):
YOUR NAME listed as a GOLD FOUNDER on our NEW “UGETube Kickstarter Founders” page (to be created on the UGETube platform after our campaign successfully closes). Includes all lower rewards. Limited quantity! Also, you will be added as a member of our exclusive “First Look” development feedback team. Be the first to see all proposed improvements and offer your feedback before the improvements go live. Includes all lower rewards. Backer is responsible for the design and labor of adding PNG image to profile/avatar image of their choice. “UGETube Kickstarter GOLD FOUNDER” 15-second Epic Intro Video mp4 is a video file that can be added to all your UGETube video projects or anything else you desire to use it for.
- “UGETube Kickstarter GOLD FOUNDER” profile/avatar layover PNG
- “UGETube Kickstarter GOLD FOUNDER” 15-sec Epic Intro Video mp4
- Exclusive “First Look” Development Feedback Team Membership
- Personal Phone Call From UGETube Founder, Samuel Robinson and Hollywood Filmmaker, Darin Southam
Bitchute based in England wikipedia article
Rumble based in Canada Linkedin article
YouTube wasn’t profitable for first 10-12 years article
Parler and the Facebook Cambridge Analytica scandal: