I design and build high-end, off-road electric vehicles for board riders, right here in my garage in a little town on the Coffs Coast of Australia, you should drop by!
My name is Dan, I am a carpenter, I was an FX technician in film and always will be a surfer, skater, snowboarder. I am also a Dad, Hubby & the Inventor/Founder of Ungoverned Pty Ltd.
I have been designing these vehicles since the previous century but, 18 months ago I made an EPIC breakthrough, both in the chemistry of my tracks which I mould myself, along with other intellectual property surrounding the vehicle’s geometry and as a result, Ungoverned is generating quite a bit of interest, not only locally but also from the US, NZ, Canada, Russia, Sweden & more!
Crazy right, I know, and I must now take the leap from prototype to bar-code.
So I am first building a small run of just 10 vehicles to assist perfecting the engineering.
I think humble steps are important at this stage, it would be product suicide to attempt to deliver hundreds internationally right now.
Just a little while back I sold my first vehicle and instantly realised I had a pretty good market fit:
…So, now happy with the core design, I am fine tuning all aspects of the vehicles to make them lighter, faster, stronger and more affordable right here in Australia prior to servicing OS markets and I would LOVE for YOU to be a part of this development!
By Christmas Eve, I will be delivering a limited number of vehicles ONLY 10 based on your support I receive here.
How NOT to miss out:
GOLD OPTION, 7 VEHICLES AVAILABLE, minimum pledge $6995.00 AUD
7 vehicles are being auctioned to the highest bidders with a starting pledge of $6995.00.
If you get out bid, then you get your money back at which point I would recommend you then have a crack at the Silver Option below to be sure you are still in with a chance of getting a vehicle.
SILVER OPTION 3 VEHICLES AVAILABLE minimum pledge of $49.95
For the Silver option to be validated, we need to first see 7 Gold Options filled.
After that, 2 vehicles will go to the BEST 2 promoters of our Indiegogo campaign simply by sharing and netting the greatest audiences you can and ideally attracting as many additional pledges as possible. I am so excited to see what you come up with! Small disclaimer: I reserve the right to select the winning 2 promoters based on what I believe to be a fair dinkum, you little bloody ripper effort!
The 1 remaining vehicle will go to any one of you by random selection! Your name goes into the draw and will be pulled out of a hat live right here on Indiegogo or at www.ungoverned.com.au at the conclusion of this campaign.
Regardless of which option best suits you, all options will lead to Ungoverned’s early growth and speed to market for which I am sincerely grateful for and in return, I would like to reward you:
All our backers receive a VIP Plaque and ID number which will earn you the right to a 5% discount when Ungoverned manufacture the next batch of vehicles.
Additionally, you will be placed on our First-In-First-Served list to ensure you will not have to wait for yours.
We want to hit $69,995.00 with this campaign, but if we go north of this, each vehicle will come with the Ungoverned Team Jersey, numbered 3 through to 12.
Number 1 has gone (to me) Well you know, I just figured like….I put in the time n all.
Number 2 has also gone, it went to “Just some guy” see him here. His name is simply Slats and he is one incredible fella.
I will be supplying your vehicle as depicted in the attached video/photographs or a very close representation to this.
-Speed 50kms/hr (31 miles/hr)
-Run time- Approx 40mins, based on average rider weight of 75kgs, averaging a speed of 25kms on a flat circuit.
-Comes with an identical spare battery, so no down time.
-240V battery charger, you remove your battery from the vehicle, place it on/in/connect to the charger, charge time is 8 hrs yet I am working on a 4hr fast charger because why wait? Right.
Hey, if you are off the grid and need a DC charger, no prob, that is also available!
-A much lower centre of gravity than my previous vehicles.
-An increased ground signature yet reduced frictional elements within the tracks.
-4 x times the surface drive area of a motor cross bike, but just 20% of it’s weight.
-2 x track drive with variable front-to-rear traction control.
-Fast change/swap-out of central battery pack. Reputable & reliable Lithium Ion batteries!!!
-100% waterproof wireless controller, vehicle is splash proof and soon hose-able.
-Centrally mounted internal drive brushless hub motors within the drive rollers (also proudly designed in house).
-Convenient drop-and-charge wireless charger for the controller.
It’s freaking GAME ON!!! Each Friday at 3pm you will be updated on progress.
We may even unlock some new perks including building more vehicles, but that I cannot commit to just yet. Let’s just see how we travel.
If this campaign goes real well, I may also build additional vehicles to meet demand. Those vehicles will include all standard specifications, black powder coating, 1 x battery pack with ride time of approx. 40 mins and come with the standard 8hr charger.
Standard vehicle retail = $6995.00
Lights, 2nd battery and 4hr fast charger will be available upgrades:
Lights: Headlights, blue and red perimeter lighting =$495.00
2nd Battery pack = $2695.00
Fast Charger =$395
ABOVE These were the first lighting tests in Ungoverned’s workshop.
Well, that is up to you my friend, I really have no idea, but you can play a part in the outcome right here…
By sharing this campaign throughout your entire network (social/professional/fam & friends)… funding could potentially blow right up, and if it reached an amount of $X AUD that may allow Ungoverned to engage a Design-For-Manufacture Team, we are talking Tier-1 Industrial Designers to fast track R&D which would cover the following:
-International compliance,
-Industrial Design,
-Mechanical Engineering,
-Electrical Engineering,
-User Experience,
-User Interface Design,
-Production Documentation,
-Supplier Sourcing,
-Production Implementation,
Yes, there’s a lot in that, but fortunately I have already vetted many industrial design houses and selected the ideal team for this monstrous task as they have experience in bringing a very similar product to market with great success.
Some of you may want to go on casual rides, some of you may want to race and some may just want to have our vehicle sit in a display case where you can admire it.
What ever you’re thinking, do think out loud, please tell us, you can comment here or on any of our social media.
I want to be completely up front with you, to pull off a project of this nature will require backers that understand there is some risk here. The main risk being that vehicle performance may not be spot on what we hope for at first iteration, but we must also recognise that for every challenge there is a solution. For me, Ungoverned is my Sudoku (and just quietly… I have the answers).
I have had the good fortune to work on large films with directors that demanded all kinds of near impossible fetes yet us technicians made these work through our positive and determined attitudes.
For our backers, your good fortune is that I now implement these traits into this project (our project) and I will deliver the goods.
I am not afraid of a challenge.
…Are you?
Cool, pledge your allegiance and please share this everywhere you can, we are talking social media, family, friends, professional networks, journalists, editors, other tech websites, magazines, forums, sky write, air drop, graffiti (keep it legal) get creative and think BIG!!!
I hope it is you that I am lucky enough to meet before Christmas!
If you have any questions feel free to call me directly.
BTW, don’t think for a second that I am not interested in you. Perhaps you are in Manufacturing? Sports? Events? Film? Tours? Advertising? Startups? Co-founding? Acquisitions? Everything is on the table here, nothing is impossible. So reach out, I may just say yes!
Thanks and Best Regards,
Dan Baldwin
Ungoverned Pty Ltd