Create new soundscapes with the epic Klein Bottle by VFE Pedals. Mono and stereo versions available.
NEW $100 option to upgrade any mono perk to stereo!
I noticed that the stereo $439 white version sold out in 20 minutes. You can still get the $339 mono version and upgrade to stereo for $100. Because Indiegogo doesn’t let you choose two perks in one transaction, the stereo upgrade will have to be done as a separate transaction.
VFE Pedals Klein Bottle mkIII – in stereo!

It has been almost seven years since the original Klein Bottle campaign launched. The most common request I have received since then was to make a stereo version of the Klein Bottle. My response was consistent – it is too expensive and too complex to make without serious compromises. As I started the design process on a new Klein Bottle, I asked my customers what features they wanted most. The response was virtually unanimous – MAKE IT STEREO! I took this feedback as a mandate to figure out how to make a stereo Klein Bottle possible.
Here are all the features of the Klein Bottle mkIII.
- 3 parallel FX loops that you can blend together (MIX) and feedback into each other (LOOP X)
- You can use the high-pass & low-pass filters (HPF & LPF) to limit the frequency bandwidth of any of the loops. This means you could send the bass frequencies to one effect, the mids to another, and a treble a third completely different effect. The pre-gain control (PRE) lets you set the signal strength just right for the effect(s) connected to each loop.
- Independently switch on each loop with its corresponding footswitch (ONE, TWO, THREE).
- Blend in the original dry signal (DRY) with all the active loops.
- Adjust the overall volume of the Klein Bottle with one knob (MASTER).
- Phase switches (0 – 180) let you invert the phase response to correct phasing problems created by effect circuits that are phase inverted.
- Independently set how the effects connected to the loops decay naturally when the loop is disengaged (TRAILS). You can let the feedback sends and main mix signals decay naturally, just the feedback sends, or have both cut off their signal instantly.
- Now available in MONO or STEREO versions. The stereo version will use TRS jacks to receive/send stereo signals (TIP = left, RING = right). The mono version will be user-upgradeable with the stereo mod circuit board if we raise $62k or more (estimated retail price: $99).
- Additional features: lower noise floor, LTC3261 charge pump for more clean headroom, DualMode switching with momentary & latching modes, internal makeup gain & LED brightness trimpots, plus internal switches for connecting mono pedals to both sides of the stereo loops (stereo version only)
The stereo option is made possible by the use of custom-made dual-gang and quad-gang pots, plus 6 different circuit boards connected together with a network of ribbon cables and header pins. The many custom-made parts makes it cost-prohibitive for me to build a final prototype of the stereo Klein Bottle unless I can raise the money to also put into production.
If we are able to raise $50,000, I will be able to develop a stereo Klein Bottle and start a production run. If successful, the Klein Bottle will be the one and only pedal I design & build between the end of this campaign and next summer. If we do not raise $50,000, you will not be charged and the stereo Klein Bottle will not be made.
Where I am at now, and what I need to make launch a stereo Klein Bottle.
Here is the work I have done so far:
- Design the core elements of the 6 circuit boards needed to make a stereo Klein Bottle.
- Spec out a full parts list and get accurate pricing estimates for every stage of manufacturing.
- Drill out an enclosure and dry-fit all the components to make sure there is room to fit in every promised feature.
Here is what the funds will help me do.
- Order custom-made dual-gang and quad-gang pots, including a quad-gang pot with two C10k and two C100k wafers. The minimum order quantity on these parts is the reason why I can’t just raise funds for a small batch.
- Pay for the development of a final prototype of the stereo and mono versions, including custom-made wire assemblies and production samples of the custom-made pots.
- Get large production runs of each circuit board type assembled for hundreds of Klein Bottles, plus pay for additional labor costs to help me assemble these complex pedals.
- Fulfill all claimed perks.
Campaign Perks
- $1 – Follow My Journey – select this if you just want to follow the Klein Bottle journey during and after the campaign ends.
- $100 – Stereo upgrade – If you change your mind later or the stereo discounts are taken first, you can add this stereo upgrade and I’ll make your mono Klein Bottle a stereo one! Indiegogo won’t allow you to do this at the same time as you choose the mono version, so you will have to add the upgrade as a separate transaction.
- $339 – White Mono Klein Bottle – limited to 10 (save $90) – ships in April 2025
- $369 – Mono Klein Bottle – early bird (save $60) – ships in June 2025
- $399 – Mono Klein Bottle – Indiegogo price (save $30) – ships in July 2025
- $439 – White Stereo Klein Bottle – limited to 15 (save $90) – ships in April 2025
- $469 – Stereo Klein Bottle – early bird (save $60) – ships in June 2025
- $499 – Stereo Klein Bottle – Indiegogo price (save $30) – ships in July 2025
Color Scheme Options
You will have your choice of the paint color and knob color schemes shown below (except the $339/$439 white only tier, which is the first option shown on the upper left). More color options will be added when we reach higher fundraising goals.
- CUSTOM COLORS – The $529 tier can independently select the paint color, knob color (including gold), LED color, and graphic type (printed, hand-painted, engraved). That means you could have the controls for each loop be a different color, or make all the MIX knobs the same color, or use different colors for each LED light.
Fundraising Goals
We need to raise at least $50k to reach the minimum needed for me to develop and manufacture a stereo Klein Bottle with all it’s custom-made components. As we reach higher fundraising levels, I will be able to add features and options. At every fundraising level, an additional paint and knob color option will become available PLUS what is listed below.
- $50k – Stereo & mono Klein Bottle mkIII will be designed & manufactured in four different colors (white, black, blue, pink). All perks will get filled! You won’t be charged unless we reach the $50k minimum threshold.
- $62k – Mono version is made user-upgradeable after purchase to stereo for just $99
- $75k – INTERNAL pre/post switches added for each FX loop
- $87k – Ships in custom printed packaging
- $100k – EXTERNAL 6 / 12 dB slope switches added
- $112k – FREE Engraved graphic option (not available on white Klein Bottle)
- $125k – EXTERNAL stereo/mono switches for each jack
DIY Options
At this time, there are no DIY options planned for the Klein Bottle mkIII. With 5 or 6 circuit boards and multiple ribbon cables, this project isn’t DIY friendly. However, there would not be much to solder…so it’s possible I could make DIY kits if at least 30 people showed a strong interest (15 have taken the survey as of July 18). If you want me to offer DIY options, please take this survey to let me know which DIY option(s) you are most interested in – https://forms.office.com/r/6DkpbY6rQQ. Here are my two DIY option ideas.
- Basic DIY Kit (mono or stereo) – Includes all components needed to build a Klein Bottle, in a pre-drilled bare metal enclosure with no knobs. There would be paint & knob color options as an add-on. Estimated price: $259 (mono) and $329 (stereo)
- Eurorack DIY Kit (stereo only) – Instead of TRS jacks & pre-drilled enclosure, it would include a PCB panel, Eurorack conversion PCB, 3.5mm mono jacks (16 total), Eurorack power connector, and wiring. Requires significantly more solder work than the basic kit. The estimated size is 36 HP. Estimated price: $299 (stereo only)
Project Timeline
I will update this section before, during, and after the Indiegogo campaign to show you what phases are completed and what still remains. Last updated on July 17, 2024
- Core PCB Design & Control Layout – The mockups you see in this campaign are very close to what the final pedal will look like. The biggest change is likely to be the location of the input & output jacks, as the quad-gang pots will force them to move “north”.
- Core Indiegogo perks & pricing – As the campaign progresses, I made add new perks, but I have done the component & assembly cost research to determine a pricing structure that will allow me to manufacture a stereo version of the Klein Bottle mkIII at a reasonable price.
- Physical Dry Fit – I had draft PCBs made to do a dry fit of all pots, switches, jacks, and PCBs to make sure there will be space to add in all the promised features before launching the Indiegogo campaign.
- Order custom-made parts – September 2024
- Complete prototyping process – November 2024
- Submit fabrication & assembly orders – December 2024
- Final graphic design & drilling template – December 2024
- Custom packaging design ($75k level) – February 2025
- First production run (white only) – April 2025
- Summer production run – starts on June 12, 2025
Below are demos videos from the first two versions of the Klein Bottle.
Current schematic & board layouts
Below are images of the five schematics and six board layouts for the Klein Bottle mkIII.
Above: Schematic for main mono circuit. Includes connections to the stereo side of every dual-gang pot.
Below: Board layout for main mono circuit. The use of surface-mount resistors, diodes, ICs, and electrolytic capacitors is the only way to make space for all the circuitry to make a stereo version possible.
Above: Schematic for the LPF/HPF and main mix / MASTER volume circuits. The circuits on the left side will be connected to the circuits on the right side via custom-made quad-gang pots.
Below: Board layout for the LPF/HPF and main mix / MASTER volume circuits. The internal trimpots control the make up gain between the filters. There are many through-hole components on this board because through-hole film capacitors are critical to the fidelity of the filter circuits.
Above: Schematic for stereo add-on board. This is VERY similar to the mono board, but it doesn’t need the pots, switches, LEDs, and switching controllers – it shares these with the mono board.
Below: Board layout for the stereo add-on board. It will require 4 sockets for connecting to other boards, plus a massive 2×18 pin header strip to access the dual-gang pots, switches, and other components on the mono board. The odd shape allows it to fit around the jack PCBs.
Above: Schematic for the loop & power jacks. Each loop can independently be set to splice together a stereo signal (return) or split a mono signal (send) to connect to mono effects.
Below: Board layout for the loop & power jacks. The power jack is a standard PCB mount like my other pedals (not the panel-mount version with a HIGH insertion force, like the previous Klein Bottles). Separate ribbon cable connectors are used to create mono & stereo versions.
Above: Schematic for the main input & output jacks. Each jack can independently be set to splice together a stereo signal (input) or split a mono signal (output) to connecting to mono signal paths.
Below: Board layouts for the main input & output jacks. The RING connector is only used for the stereo version of the Klein Bottle. There are two different designs to make use of the space above the quad-gang pots.
Risks & Challenges
This would be my tenth crowdfunding campaign if we raise $75k. I was able to deliver on the promised goals in each of my previous nine successful crowdfunding campaigns, outside of one bonus perk (I fully refunded all 5 customers). I have a strong track record of finishing manufacturing projects. Here are the biggest 3 risks of this campaign.
- Delays, delays, delays. I can’t control many manufacturing delays due to component shortages, missed lead-times for custom-made parts, and other components. I will keep you updated along the full process.
- Additional features – while I am certain I can design the circuit needed to add the extra features proposed above in the Fundraising Goals section, I can’t be 100% certain that all the new features will fit in the limited space available inside the Klein Bottle until I finish the final prototype. If I can’t make one of the stretch goals happen, I will update you and show you why it would not work.
- It’s all on me. While I am 100% confident on my ability to fulfill all perks, I am still human. I am determined to finish the job, and the only way I would be prevented from fulfilling all perks is if some tragedy befalls me that physically prevents me from doing so.
Other Ways You Can Help
I stopped posting daily to social media when I returned to full time teaching in 2016. Because of this, my reach is very limited. I need you to share this campaign in every place you meet like-minded musicians! Use the share tools at the top of this page to quickly share the campaign link.