THIC THIC is a Gay Trap Hip Hop Infused Single about owing your authenticity and being free with your sexuality.
As Gay people in society we often-time feel like we have to wear masks just to survive and as my journey in life has evolved I have witnessed and experienced how this mask can diminish a person’s soul.
As someone who was adopted, I had already felt like an outcast and that no one could relate, no add being gay to that, it was definitely a nightmare. Through the last 5 years I have really being going to through a transition into finding my purpose and exploring my destiny. I have been writing music now for a over 3 years and it has been pouring out of my soul. All the tragedies, all the pain, all the struggle, all the bullying, all the mass murders, all the fighting and killing- inspired this music and in turn I believe will inspire a movement.
As a marginalized person I have witnessed and experienced first hand all the abuses we as human can impart on each other. This physical and mental anguish affects our very soul. My intention with this music, this song, and this video is to begin putting relate-able images and lyrics in society and help heal other LGBTQIA, Black, Latino, Women of all Colors and anyone who has ever felt misrepresented to start being empowered and strong enough to be their authentic selves 100%.
I hope you join me on the next chapter of my life and help me fight for inclusivity in HIP-HOP and Urban spaces that for years would have excluded someone like me.
#WelcomeToTheFruitiiArmy Peace & Love Frutii Suspect