A documentary based on Ron Morehead’s Bigfoot experiences at the Sierra Camp.
The Project
This documentary is long overdue, and we are so excited to bring this story to the big screen!
“Voices In The Wilderness” will be an enthralling documentary that delves into Ron Morehead’s captivating past experiences, unraveling the thrilling encounters and enigmatic interactions with Bigfoot that have defined his extraordinary life, challenging our understanding of the unexplained.
Our production team recognizes the profound significance of Ron Morehead’s captivating encounters chronicled in his book, “Voices in The Wilderness.” In a testament to the raw authenticity of his experiences, we’ve embarked on a once-in-a-lifetime storytelling opportunity. This documentary will faithfully portray Morehead’s extraordinary journey, bringing his words to life on the screen with an unwavering commitment to truth and realism.
Our previous documentaries, “A Flash of Beauty: Bigfoot Revealed,” and the sequel coming out in October of this year, “A Flash of Beauty: Paranormal Bigfoot,” have set up Ron’s story to be told with the same attention to detail both to the story and powerful visuals. Filming with Ron began in September of 2022 and will pick up again in September of this year.
Why the delay? We can’t do this alone, and our team is asking for your help to bring this documentary to life.
What We Need & What You Get
We need to raise a minimum of $50,000 to complete filming and finish this film.
These funds will cover our production expenses, travel to locations throughout the United States for filming interviews, additional equipment rentals, hard drives, post-production, and distribution deliverables.
Over the next nine months, this money will be spread out for filming and editing. Our goal is to release the finished film by the end of 2024.
Perks of Participation
We want you to be a part of this film! Perks range from having your name included in the credits to visiting the film set during production and having special access to the film’s cast and crew. There’s something for everyone!
If we don’t reach our goal, the project will continue but will be delayed significantly. We are eager to finish filming and sharing Ron’s Bigfoot legacy with the world!
Risks & Challenges
Every film comes with its challenges. Our team’s vast experience in film and video is the safety net we fall back on.
Resonance Productions has an impressive portfolio of experience spanning feature films, commercials, travel videos, technical videos, training videos, and various forms of short content. Our work has been acknowledged and featured in prominent media outlets such as The Hollywood Reporter, Variety, Seattle Times, and The Washington Post Express, and we have also received global media coverage from CNN, BBC, and Huffington Post. With a clientele that includes iconic brands such as Nike, ESPN, ABC Australia, Intel, National Geographic, U.S. Air Force, U.S. State Department, and U.S. Department of Defense, Resonance Productions is a trailblazer in the creative industry, delivering exceptional results that exceed expectations.
Many of the hurdles have been cleared thanks to the work of our two previous Bigfoot documentaries. Our biggest challenge now is securing funding that allows us to focus solely on telling Ron’s story and how it needs to be told.
Other Ways You Can Help
Please help us spread the word about this project so we can all celebrate a finished film together! Please share this campaign, visit the A Flash of Beauty: Bigfoot Revealed page on Facebook for updates, and put it out to the Universe to help this film reach its full potential!