Giving people access to travel and meet people in a REAL place, but digitally.
Billions throughout the world are still going out and traveling for non-essential purposes despite COVID-19. But the truth is, it is hard to be at home all the time. Being with strangers, decorations, surroundings, and meeting people in the real space is far from reality with the current Facetime and Zoom technology. Many are complaining about zoom-fatigue and those who go outdoor do not feel satisfied with their interaction with others.
At work, you can’t really have a close discussion. At a coffee shop, you have to sit in places not designed for interior experience. When dating, you lose all romantic vibe coming from restaurants you used to go. At co-working space, I mean, do people still go there?
We can digitize your favorite places and emulate real-life interaction in any location. Video call in a 3D interactive panorama with others. Spend time with friends in a cafe with your Spotify or youtube on while working on your own stuff. Going to other cities where planes would not permit.
Try out our public spaces on www.vpark.io and support this project to satisfy those who can’t wait to be outside. Let’s properly help each other to reduce COVID-19 infection in any FUN way.