Want to save the world? Save small sawmills.
The North American Forest Products Network
We are a Pittsburgh startup company developing a network-based marketplace for forest and wood products that plants a tree for every product sold. Designed for small businesses, our platform merges collaboration and social tools, analytics, and AI – enabling manufacturers to make effective use of consumer data – at a price they can afford. Help us with our ambitious goal so we can help consumers find sustainable, locally sourced forest products online!
Product Features:
Directory – Search over 27,000 American businesses by activity, location, and the products and services they offer. Discover and donate to 157 non-profit organizations that support conservation, education, and replanting efforts.

Marketplace – Browse seller offers, negotiate prices, and request quotes. Find products and suppliers all across North America. Filter products to find Certified Sustainable wood products.

Insights – Community transactions feed real-time market reports, price analysis, and performance metrics.

Matchmaking – Powerful AI helps you discover potential trading partners and make meaningful customer connections. Minimize sales and marketing cost while maximizing margins and customer engagement.
There is no future without trees.
Planting a tree is a great way to help the environment; everyone agrees. Climate Change is without a doubt the most important issue of our time – and its definitely – an issue we can not plant our way around.
Sustainable development dictates that we need to keep three things in mind: social progress, economic development, and climate/environment.
That is why we need to create a sustainable forest and wood products supply chain.
There are no trees without economic value
Without a strong, stable forest products industry forests lose their economic value. When they lose their economic value, their land cover is converted into other, more profitable uses like urban development and agriculture. The leading causes of deforestation.
The $284 billion U.S. Forestry and Wood Products Industry employs over one million people and is growing at a consistent rate of 6%. . . BUT
While the digital revolution has transformed many industries, its impact on forest products companies has been minimal, at best, as the industry has lagged behind others in making investments in digital technology. As a result. . .
Small Sawmills are struggling to stay alive
Many of the 27,000 businesses in the industry are in rural areas where employment opportunities are limited. As time goes on, and small businesses struggle to compete. More and more trees are processed by fewer and fewer sawmills.
These small businesses are not only vital to the communities they support, but to the diversity of species being harvested and replanted. As well as the overall health of our forests.
Nearly every other industry has shifted into the digital age. Along with it, so has customer behavior. If wood products do not make the shift, small businesses will fail to reach it’s customers and ultimately die out. Then, likely, so will the forests. The economic, societal, and environmental fallout will likely be the last nail in the metaphorical coffin for our war against climate change.
There will be a revolution in this century
Wood Products will have its digital revolution. It’s not a matter of if. It’s a matter of when. And when dictates who. If we are to save these critical sawmills the Industry must go to war.
But wars are not won with products, they are won by people. So we are bringing small businesses together. Arming them with modern technology. And sparking a Digital Revolution.
And wood is going to war to save the world.
We need your help!
We’ve now got a proof of concept, an established network of businesses, and we’re aiming big! In order to get to beta, we need capital. For every dollar you pledge, we pledge a tree.
What rewards do I get by pledging?
For every dollar you pledge, Wherwood and members of our network have pledged to plant a tree. For your pledge, you will receive a handwritten thank you card and will be showcased on our website’s sponsors page.
Industry Professionals and Business Owners who pledge can pre-register their business and receive 50% off Membership costs for 1 year along with exclusive early access to the beta, future features, and updates.
Where does my money go?
In order to move our prototype from a progressive web app (PWA) and onto the Apple and Android app stores, we require $50,000 for development. In order to onboard and provide quality customer support, we have budgeted $10,000.
As part of our campaign, we are pledging $10,000 to non-profit organizations within the network. This money will be used for education, conversation, and replanting efforts.
The remainder is associated with taxes and fees.