It’s a modern-day National Lampoon’s Vacation—with baseball. And a dog hero.
Short Summary
Hi! I’m Sandy De Lisle, lead writer and executive producer of You’re OUT!—a comedy feature film that portrays youth sports in all their glory—and excessiveness. As a mom who raised two travel baseball players, I’ve spent a lot of time watching kids play ball. And after hundreds of hours of observing from the bleachers, I can definitely say this: Youth sports are wacked!
It’s not like when I grew up, and kids played multiple sports through high school. Now it’s all about choosing one sport by middle school and specializing. For baseball, that means private hitting, pitching, and catching lessons, $200 bats, cross-country travel-team road trips, and the penultimate experience: the college baseball showcase!
As a writer, I started wondering, “How far would a parent go to get their kid recruited by a D-1 college baseball team?” I reached out to my friend Rick Herrejon (who’s in the process of raising a travel baseball kid), and we came up with the concept for the film: A dad so obsessed with his son playing in the Majors that he loses his job and completely ignores the needs of his wife and daughter.
The film tips its hat to classic 80s movies and filmmakers like National Lampoon’s Vacation and John Hughes: It’s a good old-fashioned father-son road trip with a modern-day twist. Plus, because I’m all about rescuing dogs, we added a dog hero who’s representing for all dogs labeled as “pit bulls.”
By contributing to our film you will:
- Make people laugh (Not just “tee hee.” We’re talking lose-control-of-bodily-function guffaws.)
- Help get Chicago creatives back to work (It’s been a long freakin’ year.)
- Normalize ALL types of dogs as having the potential to be family pets
- Score some cool You’re OUT! movie perks
What We Need & What You Get
Our total budget is $350,000. That’s the equivalent of one of Diana Prince’s hair scrunchies in Wonder Woman 1984. We’re keeping our costs low by avoiding magic lassos and staying local—we only make it look like a road trip to Arizona. Thank you, green screens!
Plus, since we’re so sure this film is going to sell (we already have a distributor, Glass House), our partners Ladie K Productions and Paper Star Video have agreed to film equity as partial compensation.
Our crowdfunding campaign is seeking $56,000 to cover our initial costs. Why $56K instead of $350K? Because 56 is former Chicago White Sox World Series pitcher Mark Buehrle’s number, and he loves dogs.
Seriously, though, we didn’t want to overwhelm you. $350K is a lot of baseball bats. We figure $56K is enough to get us through the first phase of the project. And, hey, people kept contributing to Super Trooper 2’s Indiegogo campaign after they met their goal. In fact, by promising an additional car chase scene, Super Troopers 2 (ST2) exceeded their goal by $2 million. Now, as much as we love ST2, $2 million is Hollywood pricing. If you all 9th-inning rally behind us, we’ll add a car chase scene too. Only we’ll do it for a mere $300K over our goal. Now that’s Midwestern values right there.
Here’s a breakdown of our budget:
- Cast–$100,000
- Post-Production–$100,000
- Production Crew–$95,000
- Legal & Insurance–$25,000
- Catering/Lodging–$15,000
- Costumes/Makeup–$10,000
- Cleaning/COVID–$5,000
Check out our awesome perks! From social media shout-outs to You’re OUT! swag to cameo appearances for you or your dog, there’s something for everyone!
Check out our FAQs for more details about perk fulfillment.
And if you’d prefer to contribute without claiming a perk, we’re down with that—just click the pink “Back It” button at the top of the campaign page (next to the video) and contribute any amount you’d like (no perks attached).
All the funds we collect from this campaign will be used toward the production or distribution of the film, and we won’t stop until we’re premiering at Sundance. Or streaming to your living room. Whichever comes first.
Risks & Challenges
Indiegogo recommended we add this section, but quite frankly, we’re making this movie no matter what. Because we’re closers. Like Cubs Hall of Famer Lee Smith.
Other Ways You Can Help
No one is a benchwarmer on our team! We’d love your money but would be thrilled if you contribute by sharing our campaign with your friends and family. Use the Indiegogo sharing tools on this page, follow us on Facebook, or share our website.
Meet the Production Team
Sandy De Lisle, Lead Writer & Executive Producer
Rick Herrejon, Cowriter
Katharin (K) Mraz, Director
John Klein, Director of Photography
Meet the Talent
Tom Malloy
Billy Dec
“Kurt Rock”
“Loose Dog/Matterhorn Understudy”
Nancy Faust
Musical Contributor