Creating a “FREE SPEACH” website that will include a social media module, four (4) different dating modules, a business/jobs module
As I previously stated, I will be 79 years old this July 2022. I joined the military for 4 years right out of High School. Afterward, I worked in retail management, then spent a number of years in law enforcement.
I got married at age 31 and I have been married to the same woman now for over 48 years during which time together we have created, owned, and operated our own businesses. I personally have been deeply involved with the internet and programming since the early 90s. I started out building commercial and personal websites for companies and individuals and was quite successful at it.
In 1995 I programmed and launched the first Real Estate Multilisting Service (MLS) on the internet using the domain name MLS-America.com. I had real estate agencies from Florida, Georgia, and Missouri paying to place their listings on my website. I did very well until 1996 when Realtor.com came along with deeper pockets.
Since then, my wife and I have worked together in a number of businesses we started and we were doing quite well until COVID-19 came along. It has literally put us completely out of business due to the cost of materials, production, and lack of individuals willing to work.
I have been working on the YPRA.com project along with my son for the past 3 years but our money has run out and I am unable to pay the Full Stack Programmers needed to finish and launch the project. I believe it is a worthwhile project and that it will fill a void in the lives of many people who expect to get what they pay for. Https://ypra.com will also give people the freedom to speak their minds without the worry of being silenced by uncaring individuals with alternative agendas.
Initially, HTTPS://ypra.com will consist of a full-blown social media module similar to Facebook, but without the algorithms that put you in internet jail or kick you off the site altogether.
It will also consist of 4 complete dating modules; one for regular dating, one for a complete match for love and possible marriage, one for those who wish to have a family, and one for a hookup for an evening on the town.
Then there are the four business modules; one for listing your business (these listings will be searchable by the entire world), one for you to be able to list any job opening you have at your business (these job listings will be searchable by the entire world), and one for individuals to search for jobs that have been listed by the members of YPRA who have listed their business (these job listings will be searchable by the entire world), and finally, one for YPRA members to list their resumes in search of a job (these resume listings will be searchable by the entire world)
In addition to the modules scheduled for viewing when the website is launched, we have a list of close to 20 additional modules that will be added as funds permit.
For the complete story and a preview of what I am working to create, please visit https://ypra.com
Thank you for your time and consideration,
James (Chris) O’Brian