
Only 230g ! The lightest sleeping pad in the world!
The ZERO MATTRESS is great for camping, lightweight backpack or backpacking adventures . It provides a high degree of comfort and plush sleeping experience at a low weight.ZERO MATTRESS adopts an innovative fabric production technique, the fabric is made from recycled plastic bottles .Not only Eco-friendly, but also quiet and durable. Lighten up your outdoor gear and enjoy the nature!
No matter what type of adventurer you are, your ultralight sleeping pad doesn’t take up space and won’t weigh you down!
Weighing in at only 230 grams and lighter than a can of coke. Compared with mattress of the same size, two ZERO MATTRESS are lighter than one mattress of other brands.
ZERO MATTRESS have been designed to be soft against your skin so you can sleep comfortably outdoors with new technology fabric . It’s also quieter than traditional air cushions.Balanced air pressure gives your whole body the support it needs, no matter what part of your body it is.
A good outdoor gear should be able to deal with various severe environment. We used high tech material which is abrasion resistance.you will not need to worry about getting your mattress broken while enjoying the nature.
ZERO MATTRESS can be stack together improving its level of comfort. Using this method you can achieve a thermal resistance rating of 4.5 , which makes it perfect for sleeping outdoors during cold or extreme weather. When you stack these mattress together, their pattern and fabric into a lock, preventing it from shifting or moving while you sleep. Meaning if you are a restless sleeper, the mattress will stay together while you sleep. It’s great for camping outdoors.
Multi-function air valve design,quick and easy to inflation, deflation and adjustment made possible by FLEXTAILGEAR pump.Using the new generation pump -TINI PUMP, you can fully fill the ZERO MATTRESS in under 50 seconds.
PS:You can add extra items on ZERO MATTRESS’s Checkout page.
FLEXTAILGEAR was established by four graduates from the same university, who share the same interest and aim. We are a team of experienced outdoor & adventure enthusiasts who are so passionate about outdoor activities. We want to share our ideas with everyone in the world who loves life and nature! Therefore, we decided to devote ourselves to invent some outdoor gears. We aim at designing more practical outdoor products that enable people to experience a comfortable& safe outdoor living and enjoy their leisure time.
Nothing is easy for product development. There’re always ups and downs. We don’t fear failure but rather fear not trying. Never give up, keep going and savoring the journey is always our goal!