Japanese Porous Ceramic Technology after 400 years
Magical paperless dripper creates a crystal smooth coffee
The LOCA Coffee Ceramic Filter is a new type of coffee filter that uses the porous function of ceramic to filter coffee naturally through miniscule holes in the ceramic, meaning you don’t need to use filter paper to make drip coffee. Washable and usable many times over, this eco-filter helps to actually change the taste of the coffee as well, removing any harsh or odd tastes from the coffee, letting you enjoy coffee to its full potential.
What is LOCA Coffee Ceramic Filter?
Innovation by Japanese 400 years’ ceramic technologies
The ceramic that we use in our filter is porous, with micro holes of about 50 microns wide (1 micron is 1/1000mm), meaning that each filter has an uncountable amount of holes that lets it filter your coffee.
Thanks to these the unique properties of the porous ceramic, harsh and odd flavours that occurs due to impurities in the coffee are removed, leaving the sweet taste of the bean along with its mellow aroma.
Using the LOCA Ceramic Coffee Filter to make coffee, you can taste the difference in taste compared with other methods, and so we performed a taste test between a normal paper filter and the LOCA Ceramic Filter. With this test, when compared to the drip coffee we made using paper filters, you can tell that the umami taste of the coffee is roughly the same, but the saltiness and bitterness of the coffee is greatly reduced, and the sweetness is also improved. As well as this, when coffee is made using the LOCA Filter, the taste isn’t the only thing to change, the transparency of the coffee also changes, becoming clearer. This is all down to the amazing qualities of the micropores in the ceramic filter.
[Tested by Intelligent Sensor Technology Co, Taste Recognition Equipment TS-5000Z at the Saga Industrial Technology Centre]
Using the unique properties of the LOCA Filter to remove the impurities that creates the bitter flavours , it allows the coffee’s natural sweetness and aroma to fully be realised. As the fine powder impurities can’t pass through, this helps to create a rather clear looking coffee, coffee that a normal paper filter wouldn’t be able to reproduce, making the coffee mild and smooth!
Because of this, we recommend using dark roasted coffee beans with the filter. A large amount of the bitterness that comes from the dark roasted process is removed allowing you to enjoy a smooth coffee. When it comes to light roasted or medium roasted coffee beans, as the beans don’t produce as much bitterness, you may find it tastes a little lighter than usual.
Due to the innovative design, you don’t need to buy any more paper filters!
Just use the filter as is, putting the ground coffee into the filter and when done just through away or use for composting or so on.
The LOCA Filter is great in that it’s super easy to clean, meaning no need for detergents and can be reused over and over again, reducing potential waste of paper filters and so on!
It’s easy to clean either via burning the clogged material out of the filter or passing hot water through it, meaning that you can carry on using the filter for years!
When it comes to Japanese porcelain culture, the top class is said to be Aritayaki, and it is this type of porcelain and ceramic making that we moved forward with to create a coffee-ceramic collaboration. This method comes from the Arita Area that it was born from!
The first porcelain made in the area was said to have been made in 1616, meaning that it has over 400 years of history.
Aritayaki was first exported overseas during the 17th century, and from the end of the 19th century, it helped with the boom of Japonisme in Europe and America.
However in recent years, due to a rise in cheap imports, production of this top class porcelain is at about 30% that of what it was at its peak.
LOCA uses a porcelain producer that was founded quite recently in the 1970s, after this initial burst of interest in porcelain made using the Aritayaki method, meaning that it isn’t bound to the traditional methods, and lets them use methods to create items that have different functions that wouldn’t be found in normal Aritayaki products. Normally, ceramics and porcelain that are porous, wouldn’t be seen as good porcelain, but they helped us take this unique ceramic style to create the LOCA filter.
The LOCA filters are made one at a time by each craftsman, and use traditional techniques in new ways to make this amazing product.
This means that the LOCA filter is a meeting of new and old, combining new ideas with traditional methods!
By using the filter stand, you can pour easily and safely!
Even if you are used to paper filters you can use this with ease, pouring exactly how you would normally!
The filter has 3 lines on the outside of the filter, which helps the coffee to drip straight into the mug or pot. This reduces any spillages that may occur from overfilling the filter!
Choose from two different designs, a round type or cone v shape!
No matter whichever you choose, they function exactly the same!
Round Type Variants! 2 Types to choose from!
The Round type filters come in a regular and small size, letting you choose if you drink with friends or drink a lot or just have the small cup of coffee in the morning!
The LOCA Ceramic Coffee Filter is a huge hit in Japan, changing the whole coffee scene, and it’s from there that we wanted to bring a complete set including the handmade mug. This mug looks to improve the way you drink coffee!
Using amazing porcelain making techniques from the Arita Area in Japan, and beautiful indigo ink dyeing (Gosu dyeing) to create the LOCA logo one by one on each mug by hand, this is an opportunity that shouldn’t be missed!
In order to prevent clogging, we recommend you use the coarsest granules that you can either make or get your hands on. Please use the picture above to get a rough estimate of the coarseness.
For 18g of granules, we need about 300ml of hot water. Put the granules in the filter and then pouring from the middle, proceed to pour a small amount of water over the granules, letting the water create a foaming effect.
Approximate time taken
Regular Size
Coffee granules: 30-45g
Pouring time: 30 seconds
Filtering time: 4 minutes – 4 minutes 30 seconds
Coffee produced: 400-500ml
Small Size (1-2 Cups) Round Type Only
Coffee granules: 10-15g
Pouring time: 30 seconds
Filtering time: 4 minutes – 4 minutes 30 seconds
Coffee produced: 200-250ml
After the initial pouring, you should pour over the coffee again 2-3 times, letting the water foam, pouring in small amounts. Pour from the centre in circle moving from the middle to the outside. Fresh coffee is best, as you can clearly see the coffee foam beautifully.
After use, remove the remaining coffee granules, and then wash the inside of the filter with hot water. To remove any stubborn coffee on the inside, pour water until it becomes completely clear. You don’t need to use a sponge to clean the filter.
※After use please remove the remaining coffee granules and clean the filter as soon as possible. Make sure you pass water through the filter until it becomes clear.
※If you use detergent, then please pass water through the filter for a long time, making sure that all the detergent has been removed.
A product 10 years in the making
Aritayaki has a long history of over 400 years, but LOCA uses a porcelain producer that was founded quite recently in the 1970s. They therefore have a unique thought process, wanting to make items that have new functions that aren’t possible to be made via the Aritayaki traditional method.
The hardest part of this was the development of raw materials. Even with trials and tests, mass production was a large hurdle, with ceramic being a rather difficult item to produce reliably, leading us to research intensely about it, testing the effectiveness of different materials and the ratios that we needed to mix, as well as the time needed to fire them. This whole process took about 10 years, but finally we were able to make the perfect filter.
The filtration speed was a primary focus for us, as we wanted to make sure that you can use it like any other ordinary filter. As well as this, we wanted to make it so that you could place any mug or pot underneath the filter, so while the filter looks simple, there are secrets hidden within the design that would make you think otherwise.
Finally when it comes to making the filter, the temperature and humidity are a factor, meaning that we can only make them when the season and weather are right. Thanks to the amazing delicate work of the craftsmen, the LOCA filter was truly brought to life.
There are two ways that the LOCA Filter can be “cleaned”. This maintenance is necessary as after a while the pores in the ceramic become clogged.
You can tell that the pores are clogged as the filtration rate of the filter becomes rather slow.
Put the filter in a pot and bring the pot to a boil, letting it boil for 10-20 minutes. In order to increase the cleaning process, we recommend using 2 small teaspoons of food safe baking soda.
Do not touch the filter until it has completely cooled. Do not try to rapidly cool the filter or it may break.
After boiling, to remove any excess baking soda, please run hot water through the filter.

Q: The filtering speed has decreased rapidly, what do I do?
A: When using the filter either dry or when cold, the filtering speed will decrease. We advise that you pour hot water over the filter before using. If you worry about clogging the pores of the ceramic you can double filter by putting a paper filter into the ceramic filter. If the speed of the filtering doesn’t improve this can be a sign that the filter is clogged and needs to be unclogged using one of the methods mentioned further above in the section How to Maintain the LOCA Filter
Q: How do I unclog the ceramic pores?
A: You should boil the filter once for every ten times you use the filter. If the filter is particularly clogged, we recommend putting the filter on a grilled tray and heating over a stove for about 10 minutes.
Q: What’s the best way to use the filter to make drip coffee?
A: You can use the filter like any other hand drip coffee filter after you have prepared it. Then pour hot water over the coffee granules until it has covered it, then after it has foamed slightly, let it subside and then pour hot water over the coffee again slowly, letting it foam. If you put too much water in at once, then the coffee won’t filter properly making it weaker.
Q: What size of bean is best to use?
A: Coarse granules are best for this filter. If you are grinding your own beans, then please set the grinder to its coarsest setting.
Q: What type of bean is best to use?
A: We recommend you to use dark roasts, but you can use any type of coffee you prefer!
Q: Can I use the filter to filter anything else?
A: You can! Please feel free to use it for water or tea, or even shochu and wines! By filtering you can change the taste of these liquids! We do ask that if using the filter for different liquids you use a stove to heat the filter so that it can burn any residue out.
Fun Projects Inc.
We like to create products and take business chances that make the heart dance! We produced the LOCA Ceramic Filter using Aritayaki methods, an area that Japan is proud of due to its long history in crafting porcelain. We look to bring amazing lifestyle goods to the rest of the world!
Indiegogo Launch November 2021
Project Ends November 30th (scheduled)
Returns Prepared November-December
Returns Sent December
Returns Arrive to Backers February 2022
Risk and Challenge
The design and materials used are subject to change based on availability and so on. If there is a change, we ensure to let backers know via an update. In regards to import fees, these are handled on the side of the backer. Please be aware of this before backing. Depending on the amount of backers we have for this project, we may need to push back the delivery schedule of the rewards. Please be aware of this. We plan to ship on time but due to the pandemic, this may not be completely possible. Please take note of this, and we ask for your understanding in the event of any delays that may occur.