Block.One’s 2018 ICO for EOS Raised $4.1 Billion

Block.One’s ICO for EOS was a yearlong fundraising campaign that took place in 2018. The ICO aimed to raise funds for the development and launch of the EOS blockchain, a decentralized platform designed to support the development of decentralized applications (dapps). The ICO garnered significant attention and investor interest, ultimately raising a staggering $4.1 billion.

Funds Raised

Block.One’s ICO for EOS was highly successful in terms of fundraising. With a duration of one year, it managed to raise an unprecedented amount of $4.1 billion. This amount not only surpassed the expectations of many in the cryptocurrency community but also set a new record for the largest ICO ever conducted.


The ICO for EOS started on June 26, 2017, and lasted for a year, concluding on June 1, 2018. The lengthy timeline allowed for widespread participation and gave investors ample time to contribute to the project. This extended duration contributed to the staggering amount of funds raised and allowed the EOS team to build significant anticipation for their blockchain platform.

Impact on the Cryptocurrency Market

Block.One’s ICO for EOS had a profound impact on the cryptocurrency market. The massive amount of funds raised signaled a growing interest in blockchain technology and decentralized platforms. It cemented EOS as a major player in the crypto space and created a sense of excitement among investors.

Furthermore, the success of the ICO brought attention to the potential of ICOs as a fundraising tool for blockchain projects. It prompted many other projects to explore similar fundraising strategies and sparked a wave of ICOs in the market.

LiquidApps’ ICO for EOS


In contrast to Block.One’s ICO, the ICO for LiquidApps aimed to raise funds for a second-layer solution for the EOS blockchain. LiquidApps sought to improve the usability of EOS by offloading computing expenses for dapps. However, despite the innovative nature of their project, the ICO did not draw as much investor interest as Block.One’s ICO for EOS.

Funds Raised

The ICO for LiquidApps raised a significantly lower amount compared to Block.One’s ICO for EOS. While Block.One raised $4.1 billion, LiquidApps managed to raise only $2.8 million during its yearlong ICO. This significant disparity in fundraising can be attributed to various factors, including the difference in scale and investor perception of the projects.

Focus on Usability

LiquidApps’ ICO for EOS focused on addressing a critical need within the EOS ecosystem: usability. By developing a second-layer solution that offloads computing expenses for dapps, LiquidApps aimed to make EOS more accessible and efficient for developers and users alike. This emphasis on improving the user experience set LiquidApps apart from other ICOs and highlighted their commitment to practical solutions for real-world problems.

Comparison with Block.One’s ICO

While LiquidApps’ ICO for EOS did not reach the same level of investor interest as Block.One’s ICO, it showcased a different approach to blockchain development. Block.One’s ICO centered around the creation of a new blockchain platform, while LiquidApps’ ICO focused on enhancing an existing one. This comparison highlights the diversity of projects that can utilize ICOs as a means of fundraising and innovation.

The Importance of ICOs

ICO Boom and Decline

Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) experienced a boom in popularity following the success of projects like Ethereum. ICOs provided a way for blockchain projects to raise funds from the public by selling their native tokens. This fundraising method allowed projects to bypass traditional venture capital routes and create decentralized economies within their ecosystems.

However, the ICO boom was eventually accompanied by a decline in investor confidence. Scams and unsuccessful projects tarnished the reputation of ICOs, leading to increased scrutiny from regulators and cautiousness among investors. This decline also resulted from the increasing realization that many ICOs lacked tangible products or viable business models.

Transition to Security Token Offerings

The decline of ICOs has led to a transition towards Security Token Offerings (STOs). STOs differ from ICOs in that they are compliant with securities regulations and provide investors with ownership rights in the form of tokens. This transition aims to introduce more transparency, legitimacy, and investor protection into the token sale process.

STOs offer a promising alternative to ICOs by aligning with regulatory requirements and addressing investor concerns about token value and legal compliance. This shift represents a maturation of the crowdfunding model in the blockchain industry.

Block.One’s Yearlong ICO for EOS

ICO Duration

Block.One’s decision to conduct a yearlong ICO for EOS was a deliberate strategy aimed at maximizing fundraising and giving potential investors ample time to participate. The extended duration allowed for continuous community engagement and created a sense of anticipation and excitement around the project. This approach proved to be highly successful, as reflected in the record-breaking fundraising achievement of $4.1 billion.

EOS Blockchain

The goal of Block.One’s ICO for EOS was to raise funds for the development and launch of the EOS blockchain. EOS aims to provide a platform that can support the development of decentralized applications by addressing scalability and usability challenges faced by existing blockchain protocols. The success of the ICO demonstrated the market’s belief in the potential of EOS as a scalable and user-friendly platform.

Investor Interest

Block.One’s ICO for EOS generated significant investor interest, attracting contributors from all over the world. The impressive amount of funds raised reflected the belief and confidence that investors had in the project and its future prospects. The ICO served as a testament to the strong demand for blockchain projects and the promising potential of decentralized applications.

Significance of the Funds Raised

The $4.1 billion raised during Block.One’s ICO for EOS was a monumental achievement that represented the largest ICO in history at the time. This extraordinary fundraising success gave Block.One the resources necessary to develop and promote the EOS blockchain. The funds raised enabled the team to focus on research, development, and community building, helping to drive the growth and adoption of EOS in the cryptocurrency market.

LiquidApps’ Second-Layer Solution

Offloading Computing Expenses

LiquidApps’ second-layer solution for EOS aimed to offload computing expenses for decentralized applications, making it more affordable for developers and users. By utilizing this solution, dapps built on the EOS blockchain can enjoy increased efficiency and reduced costs, while improving usability and scalability. This innovative approach to addressing scalability challenges distinguishes LiquidApps from other projects and positions it as a potential game-changer for the EOS ecosystem.

Benefits for DApps

LiquidApps’ second-layer solution offers several benefits to decentralized applications built on the EOS blockchain. By offloading computing expenses, dapps can leverage the scalability and cost-effectiveness of LiquidApps, allowing for smoother and more efficient user experiences. This enhanced usability has the potential to attract more developers and users to the EOS ecosystem, driving further growth and adoption.

Comparison with Other ICOs

LiquidApps’ ICO for EOS differs from other ICOs in terms of its focus on usability and scalability. While many ICOs aimed to develop new blockchain platforms or protocols, LiquidApps focused on improving an existing blockchain ecosystem. This strategic approach showcases the importance of identifying and addressing specific pain points within the industry, rather than merely creating new solutions for the sake of innovation.

The Changing Landscape of ICOs

Decreased Fundraising Amounts

The enthusiasm and hype surrounding ICOs have waned in recent years, leading to a decrease in fundraising amounts. The decline can be attributed to several factors, including increased regulatory scrutiny, investor caution, and the overall maturation of the cryptocurrency market. As investors become more discerning and selective, projects are required to offer greater transparency, credibility, and demonstrable value to attract funding.

New Emphasis on Real Products

The decline in ICO fundraising amounts has brought about a shift in focus towards projects with tangible products and real-world applications. Investors are now placing greater importance on projects that demonstrate practical solutions, viable business models, and a clear path to adoption. This emphasis on substance over hype is indicative of the industry’s evolution and the market’s demand for maturity and accountability.

ICO Regulation and Investor Confidence

Regulatory efforts to protect investors and combat fraudulent activities have increased over time. Governments and financial authorities worldwide have recognized the need for oversight in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. The implementation of regulations has helped to weed out fraudulent or non-compliant ICOs, bolstering investor confidence and increasing the legitimacy of the industry.

The establishment of regulatory frameworks has given investors more certainty and security when participating in token sales, further stabilizing the ICO landscape. This increased regulation and transparency are crucial in fostering trust and attracting institutional investors to the market.


Key Takeaways

Block.One’s ICO for EOS set a new record by raising $4.1 billion during its yearlong campaign. This success demonstrated the potential of ICOs as a fundraising model for blockchain projects and sparked widespread interest in the EOS platform. However, LiquidApps’ ICO for EOS raised a significantly lower amount, highlighting the importance of addressing specific industry pain points and providing tangible solutions.

The decline in ICO fundraising amounts has prompted a shift towards STOs and a greater emphasis on real products and viable business models. The changing landscape of ICOs reflects the maturation and increasing regulation of the industry, leading to greater investor confidence and market stability.

Future of ICOs and DApp Development

The future of ICOs lies in striking the right balance between innovation and practicality. Projects that offer real solutions to existing problems, demonstrate accountability, and provide clear paths to adoption are likely to attract more investor interest and funding. The evolution towards STOs and increased regulation will continue to shape the crowdfunding landscape, introducing more transparency, legitimacy, and investor protection.

As for DApp development, the success of projects like LiquidApps showcases the importance of usability and scalability in attracting developers and users. Second-layer solutions and offloading computing expenses offer significant benefits to dapp creators, ultimately driving further growth and adoption.

Overall, ICOs remain a vital fundraising tool for blockchain projects, but their success depends on addressing industry pain points, demonstrating real value, and adhering to regulatory requirements. As the industry continues to mature, the future of ICOs and DApp development holds immense promise for innovation, widespread adoption, and the transformation of traditional industries.