Tiimo Raises 1.4M Euro for Neurodivergent Tech

In a world where technology often caters to the neurotypical majority, one Danish startup is making waves by championing the needs of the neurodivergent community. Tiimo, a Copenhagen-based company, has recently secured an additional €1.4 million in funding, bringing its total pre-Series A investment to a whopping €4.3 million. This financial boost, co-led by Crowberry Capital and People Ventures, with participation from Sweden’s Inner Foundations, is set to propel Tiimo’s mission of creating a more inclusive digital landscape.

Founded by the dynamic duo of Helene Lassen Nørlem and Melissa Würtz Azari, Tiimo has been on an impressive growth trajectory. The company’s user base has more than doubled since its last funding round, now boasting over 50,000 paying subscribers as of August 2024. What’s particularly noteworthy is that more than 75% of these subscribers identify as neurodivergent, a testament to the app’s relevance and effectiveness for its target audience.

But Tiimo’s impact extends far beyond its paid user base. The app has garnered a staggering 500,000 free users worldwide, indicating a widespread demand for tools that cater to neurodivergent individuals. This rapid growth underscores the significant need for technology that supports the estimated 15-20% of the global population who are neurodiverse, including those with ADHD, autism, and dyslexia.

At the heart of Tiimo’s offering is a customizable visual planner, meticulously designed to help neurodivergent individuals manage their daily tasks and routines effectively. This innovative tool has struck a chord with users, providing a much-needed solution for those who struggle with traditional planning methods.

Building on the success of its planner, Tiimo has recently launched Tiimo Learn, an educational platform that goes beyond simple task management. This new offering provides specialized content, expert advice, and research-backed tools tailored specifically to the unique learning needs of neurodivergent users. By combining practical planning tools with educational resources, Tiimo is creating a comprehensive ecosystem of support for its users.

The company’s commitment to accessibility is further evidenced by its upcoming web-based version of the popular planner, slated for launch in September 2024. This expansion will make Tiimo’s tools available to laptop and desktop users, potentially opening up the platform to an even wider audience.

Tiimo’s innovative approach and dedication to inclusivity haven’t gone unnoticed in the tech world. The company recently received a nomination in the inclusivity category for the prestigious Apple Design Awards. This recognition not only highlights the quality of Tiimo’s design but also underscores the growing awareness of the need for inclusive technology in the mainstream tech industry.

With the fresh injection of funds, Tiimo is poised for significant growth. The company plans to focus on expanding its user base, strengthening its market presence, and enhancing its product offerings. A particular emphasis will be placed on developing the new Tiimo Learn subscription, which promises to provide even more value to the neurodivergent community.

As Tiimo continues to grow and evolve, it stands as a shining example of how technology can be harnessed to support and empower underserved communities. By focusing on the specific needs of neurodivergent individuals, Tiimo is not just creating useful tools – it’s fostering a more inclusive digital world.

The success of Tiimo also highlights a broader trend in the tech industry towards greater inclusivity and diversity. As more companies recognize the importance of catering to diverse needs, we may see a shift towards more specialized, user-centric technologies that can benefit a wide range of individuals.

For those interested in experiencing Tiimo’s innovative approach firsthand, the app is readily available on both the App Store and Google Play. As the company continues to grow and refine its offerings, it’s clear that Tiimo is not just a tech startup – it’s a movement towards a more inclusive, understanding, and supportive digital landscape for neurodivergent individuals worldwide.