Linio Biotech Secures €4.2 Million for Tissue Regeneration Breakthrough

Linio Biotech, a Finnish biotechnology company, recently announced a significant financial boost with its latest €4.2 million investment round. This latest funding inflow elevates the company’s total investment to over €9 million, marking a major milestone in its journey towards global healthcare innovation.

The new investment round for Linio Biotech, a name rapidly gaining traction in the biotech world, includes contributions from a mix of previous backers, such as family offices and private investors, alongside new Finnish private investors and doctors well-versed in the industry. This diversified investment portfolio underscores the wide-ranging confidence in Linio Biotech’s vision and potential.

In spring 2023, Linio Biotech, known for its research-driven approach, received a grant of nearly one million euros from Business Finland. This funding was earmarked for the further development of their groundbreaking product, a testimony to the company’s commitment to advancing healthcare technologies.

According to Laura Vartiainen of Takoa Growth Oy, a key player in Linio’s first funding round and an investor representative on the company’s board, Linio Biotech is strategically positioned to tap into the lucrative global aesthetics and scar healing market, worth an estimated 40 billion euros. This market, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12% from 2021 to 2026, is witnessing a rapid expansion in the regenerative aesthetics segment, which itself is growing at an impressive 22% CAGR.

Dr. Hilkka Peltoniemi, a new investor in Linio Biotech, a plastic surgeon, and a specialist in surgery, expressed her excitement about joining the company’s journey. Having closely observed Linio Biotech’s progress for two years, she emphasized the transformative potential of Tience®, Linio’s injectable tissue product, based on her extensive experience with fat and fat stem cells.

Tience®, deriving its name from the fusion of ’tissue’ and ‘science’, represents a revolutionary injectable tissue product designed for professional use. It accelerates the skin’s natural healing process, aiding in the natural regeneration of skin. This innovative treatment has shown promising results in repairing various skin defects, including aging signs and visible scars.

The new funding is a game-changer for Linio Biotech, enabling the company to expand the reach of its Tience® product and associated treatments. Having launched Tience® in Finland in June 2023, Linio Biotech is now setting its sights on commercializing the product in other Nordic countries and beyond.

Karita Reijonsaari, CEO and partner at Linio Biotech, expressed optimism about the impact of the new funding. It allows the company to continue its innovation and international market expansion, despite current challenges in the investment climate. This strategic financial management ensures that Linio Biotech stays on track with its ambitious roadmap.

With plans to welcome additional investors into this funding round by next spring, Linio Biotech is poised to make significant strides in an industry where novel inventions are rare. Tience® stands out as a breakthrough in offering natural, long-term treatment solutions.

Founded in 2017 as a spin-off from the University of Tampere by cell biology professor Timo Ylikomi and cell biologist Riina Uusmies, Linio Biotech has demonstrated remarkable progress in a short span. The Tience® products, manufactured in Tampere, Finland, represent the fusion of cutting-edge science and practical healthcare solutions, positioning Linio Biotech as a key player in the global biotech arena. As Linio Biotech continues its upward trajectory, it not only exemplifies Finnish innovation but also sets new benchmarks in global healthcare advancements.